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London, June 18th 2023

I was in that hazy state between sleep and wakefulness, where dreams and reality blurred together. My body heavy with exhaustion.

I was vaguely aware of the softness of the mattress beneath me and the warmth of the blanket cocooning me. Just as I was about to drift back into sleep when somewhere in the back of my mind, I registered a subtle movement beside me.

I tried to ignore it, thinking it was just my imagination. But there was the faint sound of movement, the soft creak of springs, and then silence. The bed shifted as if someone was getting off.

My tired mind barely registered the disturbance, I was too tired to even open my eyes, I burrowed deeper into the covers.

A few minutes passed, or maybe more, I couldn't really tell in my drowsy state. Then, I felt it again, the mattress dipping under someone's weight. I felt the covers shift slightly and then a gentle weight pressed up against my back. My sleep-fogged brain struggled to make sense of it, too tired to wonder anything but to get back to sleep.

But the next sensation was unmistakable, an arm slipped around my waist, its touch warm and familiar, gently pulling me closer. My eyes half opened as I looked at the arm wrapped around me I saw a small cross tattoo on the hand.

My muddled brain struggled to process what was happening, and who it was, but the warmth and comfort enveloping me made the questions seem unimportant. Too exhausted to resist or even fully comprehend, my eyelids slowly shut again, and the sense of security lulled me back into sleep, feeling safe and at peace. I drifted back into the depths of sleep.


I woke to the soft light of dawn filtering through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. I blinked a few times, my eyes adjusting to the brightness, the fog of sleep slowly lifting from my mind.

I became acutely aware of the steady rhythm of breaths beside me. The arm draped around my waist still held me close, as I became more aware of everything, I realised who it was, the familiar cross tattoo on his hand.


The whole of last night seemed to be blocked out, everything seemed so hazy. My mind slowly put the pieces together as I slowly remembered everything. I remembered Shaun.

Shaun. The memories hit me like a wave, the pain he caused me, I had tried to push those memories away, to forget. I wanted nothing more than to forget everything. Forget him.

But in this quiet moment, lying next to Harry, in the soft light of dawn, it felt different. There was no immediate danger, no panic. Just quiet. I like quiet. He had been there, protecting me in his own way. Even though I might not agree with some of his methods I was still grateful for his and Liam's help.

I glanced at him, I noticed something different. For the first time since we met, he looked peaceful, more peaceful than I had ever seen him. His usually furrowed eyebrows were relaxed, and his cheeks had a slight rosy hue in the morning light. It was as if all the weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders in sleep.

I watched him for a moment longer, I found myself studying his face, the way his lashes rested against his cheeks, the gentle rise and fall of his chest, the delicate look on his face, it was all so calming.
It was a side of him I had never seen, and I wasn't sure I would ever see it again.

As he shifted slightly in his sleep, my breath caught in my throat I quickly faced away again, pretending to be asleep, I closed my eyes tightly, trying to steady my breathing, hoping he wouldn't realize I was awake.
I stayed still, as Harry moved behind me. His movements were slow and sleepy, the kind you make when you're not quite ready to leave the comfort of your dreams.

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