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Louis leaned forward with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Alright, Aubrie,"
he began, "truth or dare?"

I took a moment to consider before replying, "Dare,"

Louis rubbed his hands together in thought, clearly enjoying himself.  "Okay then, show us something you have never shown anyone else,"

"Um, I got a tattoo when I was fifteen, without anyone knowing,"

"A tattoo?"

With a slight hesitation, I lifted the hem of my top to reveal a delicate tattoo on my rib cage that read, "We'll be alright."
"It was something my gran always said to me, whenever I was worried or upset," I explained, feeling a warmth in my chest at the memory. "It just kind of stuck with me, and when she died, I decided to get it tattooed."

"Awh that's actually really sweet, Aubrie," Issey asked, leaning closer to look at it, I gave her a smile at the compliment.

Everyone fell silent for a moment, but Niall quickly broke the silence, turning to Liam and leaning in with a grin. "Alright, Liam, truth or dare?"

Liam sighed, knowing he had no choice. "Truth."

"What's your opinion on one-night stands?" Niall asked, raising an eyebrow.

Liam hesitated before nodding. "I have done them plenty of times. But I don't really like them. It just feels... empty. I like to at least know the person first."

The attention shifted to Zayn, who was up next turning to Issey. "Issey," he said with a smirk, "Truth or dare,"
Issey rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile. "Dare."
"I dare you to kiss the hottest person here," Zayn challenged, his grin widening.

Issey didn't hesitate for a moment. She turned to me with a playful sparkle in her eyes. "Gotta be my girl," she said with a teasing grin before leaning in and giving me a quick kiss on the lips. I felt my cheeks flush with surprise and embarrassment, while the group erupted in playful cheers and whistles.

"Alright, Harry," Issey said, turning to him. "Truth or dare?"
Harry stayed silent before replying confidently, "Dare."
Issey thought for a moment before challenging him, "I dare you to show us the last photo you took on your phone."

Harry shrugged, pulling out his phone. He unlocked it and revealed that he hadn't taken a single photo.

"Why no photos?" Louis asked, raising an eyebrow.
Harry shrugged calmly. "Don't see the need in it. If I can't remember what something looked like, then it clearly wasn't important."

He slipped his phone in his pocket before Harry turned to me. "Your turn again, blondie. Truth or dare?"

I took a moment to think, unsure where this could go. "Truth."

Harry leaned in with a mischievous glint in his eye. "How many people have you slept with?"

My eyes widened at the question, "Three," I said quietly, feeling my cheeks burn.
"Who?" Niall pressed for more details.

I sighed. "Well, you guys already know Noah," I began, feeling their eyes on me, their faces stiffen slightly at the mention of Noah. "And then there was Shaun." I saw Harry's fist clench subtly at the sound of that name. "And one time, I got drunk at a party and ended up with one of my friends, Cammy..."

Liam cleared his throat, changing the subject. "Niall, truth or dare?"
Niall grinned sitting up straighter. "Dare. I'm not a pussy."
Liam smirked. "I dare you to get an ear piercing."
Niall shrugged. "Easy enough, but how am I meant to get one in the middle of the sky dummy?"

Just then, a thought crossed my mind. "I have my sewing kit in my bag, so I could use a needle from that," I said,
Issey chimed in, "And I've got a spare earring with me."
"Then it's sorted," Liam said, clapping his hands together with excitement.

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