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As I opened the door to my room, I noticed that the lights were off. Shaun must be asleep, I quietly made my way into the bathroom, slipping off my heels and the cool sensation of the cold tiles soothing my tired feet.

I began to get ready for bed, getting changed into my pyjama before realising that I had left my makeup remover in my case,
"Fuck" I muttered under my breath, I didn't want to wake Shaun.

I tiptoed back into the room, the dim light from the bathroom casting a soft glow. I noticed Shaun sitting up in bed, his hair messy and all over the place.

"Hey, sorry did I wake you?" I asked, feeling a pang of guilt.

"Nah, was only half asleep," he replied, his voice warm and sleepy. "How did it go?"

I made my way over to him at the edge of the bed, wrapping my arms around him in a hug.
"Yeah, good," I said, feeling the relief of being back with him. "Glad to be back though, I'm shattered."

"I can imagine," Shaun said with a chuckle. He kissed me on the lips, a quick peck that sent a wave of warmth through me. "I'm glad you're back too."

Shaun fell back onto the bed, and I lay above him, smiling. "You looked so peaceful this morning before I left, I didn't want to wake you," I said, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead.

"Probably dreaming about you," he replied, a playful grin spreading across his face. I laughed softly.

We lay there for a while, taking in the quiet and the warmth of each other's presence. I took in every feature of his face, memorizing the lines and the softness of his features in the dim light.

"You look hot tonight," Shaun said, his voice a low murmur as he peppered kisses across my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"Aw, stop it, you," I chuckled, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks despite the tiredness weighing on me.

"I mean it," he insisted, his kisses becoming more passionate. His hands moved to the hem of my shirt, lifting it slowly, leaving me in just my bra. His touch was so gentle and comforting.

"Shaun," I breathed, placing a hand on his chest to pause him. "Not tonight, I'm too tired."

He groaned softly, his lips lingering on my collarbone. "Oh, come on, just quickly," he murmured.

I hummed in disagreement, shaking my head.
"Uh uh," I said, my tone firm but affectionate.

Shaun sighed, resting his forehead against mine. "Alright,"

I gave him a reassuring smile, brushing my fingers through his hair. "Another time, I promise," I whispered, leaning in to give him a soft kiss.

He nodded, pulling me into a tight embrace. "I'll hold you to that," he said with a small smile,

We settled back into the bed, I lay on his chest on my stomach looking up at him, his arms wrapped around me protectively.

As we lay there in the quiet, Shaun broke the silence.
"So," he asked softly, "did you get offered the job?"

I hesitated, not wanting to get into this tonight, I just wanted to keep lying here, I didn't want to ruin his good mood.
"We can talk about it tomorrow," I replied, hoping to change the subject.

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