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London, June 17th 2023

The alarm buzzed at 7:30 am, and I jolted awake, feeling a of butterflies in my stomach. The first rays of gentle morning sunlight poured through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. I quickly got out of bed, careful not to wake Shaun, who was still peacefully asleep. He needed the rest, and I needed a moment to gather my thoughts before the whirlwind of the day began.

I tiptoed around the room, towards my suitcase, and carefully picked out an outfit. I got dressed in something comfortable yet professional a simple baby pink off-the-shoulder top and a sleek black mini skirt. I then quickly headed to the bathroom to freshen up. As I brushed my hair and applied a bit of makeup, my mind buzzed with anticipation for the packed schedule Amanda had laid out for me. Today was the big fitting day and most importantly the event. Everything needed to go perfectly.

Quietly, I reached for my bag, I carefully double-checked to make sure I had all my design notes inside it. As I gathered the outfits that hung in the wardrobe, I delicately hung them over my arm, mindful of their weight and the intricate details of the fabrics. Glancing back at Shaun, who was still peacefully asleep, noticed the gentle rise and fall of his chest with each breath, his face relaxed in the soft morning light. He looked so peaceful and content in this moment, the most calm he had looked in a while.

I miss this side of him.

I took a mental Polaroid of him, wanting to remember his pure innocence as he slept away.

With a sense of bittersweet longing, I quietly slipped out of the room, taking one last look at Shaun's peaceful form before closing the door gently behind me. Not bothering to leave a note, I knew he probably wouldn't mind the peace. As I made my way to the lobby, I couldn't help but admire the sheer opulence and luxury of the hotel. The grand halls were adorned with intricately carved woodwork and gilded accents, creating an atmosphere of timeless elegance. This was a far cry from my usual surroundings.

When I arrived at the conference room, I was greeted by the sight of Amanda meticulously overseeing the final touches. The room was spacious, with a polished, long table at its centre racks of clothing lining the walls, mirrors, and everything we'd need for the day. Bright lights illuminated the space, creating a professional yet welcoming atmosphere.

"Good morning." Amanda greeted me with a warm smile. "Ready for the big day?"

"Morning, Amanda, " Nodding "Of course got everything here," Gesturing to my arm stacked with clothes. "I'm so excited to see the designs come to life."

"Great! Let's get started. Quickly hang them up behind you," she instructed, pointing to the clothing rack behind me. "We have a lot to cover before the band arrives." With a gesture, she invited me to take a seat down across from her.

Amanda pulled out her iPad to review the schedule for the day. We went over the details of the final adjustments, to make sure everything was in perfectly in place for the upcoming fittings with the band later in the morning.

Amanda's calm and organized demeanour helped to settle my nerves.

As the remaining of the team members began to slowly arrive, sifting into the room.

The room filled up more and more with a buzz of excitement and tension. My heart began to race as the clock ticked closer to 10:30 am. Each passing minute seemed to amplify the flutter of nerves in my stomach, making my legs feel like jelly. I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself, but the thought of being in the same room as Harry scared me.

Harry had always been intimidating towards me his sharp eyes and cold demeanour making it clear he didn't like me. He never missed an opportunity to make me feel small and insignificant.

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