King Schuyler
  I fixed my tie in the mirror, I could hear Hayley and Maisie giggling and squealing behind me. After my tie was perfect I turned around and looked at my two girls as they bounced on the bed and hitting each other with pillows. They were dressed in nice dresses and their hair was done for the banquet we were about to leave for. I grabbed Maisie from behind before she could hit Hayley again with the pillow.
She laughed, "Daddy I'm trying to hit Maisie!"She tried again to reach Hayley and when she missed Hayley stuck her tongue out at her. Hayley's green dress was getting crumpled and her dark blonde hair was coming undone. I took the pillow from Maisie and set her down on the floor.
She smiled, revealing her missing teeth. Her blue eyes were shining bright with mischief, like always. I knelt down in front of her and started fixing her dress. I tied the strings on the back of her blue dress and then I straightened her white collar. I tucked some of her unruly red hair behind her ears.
"Do I look pretty Daddy?"
I kissed her forehead, "You always look pretty."
She walked over to look at herself in the mirror and started making funny faces. She was always goofy and ready to put a smile on someone's face.
I turned to face Hayley and when I opened my arms she ran right to me and wrapped her arms around her neck. I placed her on the ground and tried to fix her hair but there was no winning. Fortunately her dress was rumpled as badly as Maisie's.
Maisie came over carrying my suit jacket. It was much bigger than her and she had to hold her arms up straight while she had to keep her arms straight up in order to keep it from dragging on the floor.
"Here Daddy, if you forget to wear this no one will know you're the King."
Maisie eagerly nodded her head, agreeing with her sister.
I chuckled as I slipped the suit jacket on and started butting it up. "I think I'll be ok without it but since you insist I guess I'll Have to wear it."
Maisie ran to the door and opened it for us. Hayley grabbed my hand and together we started walking down the long hallway. The closer we got to the banquet hall the more dread filled me. The last thing I wanted to do was be around a bunch of kiss asses for the next few hours, unfortunately, it was part of the job. So I gritted my teeth and kept moving.
Once we were close to the banquet hall a maid came forward, 'Good Evening Your Majesty, the last of the guests are taking their seats. I'll return once everyone has taken their seat."
I nodded. Hayley tugged on my hand and I looked down at her.
"Daddy are we about to go in?"
Her eyes got really wide, "Will you hold me?"
I bent down and scooped her up. She wrapped her small arms around my neck and buried her face in my neck so no one could see her when we walked in. This happened every time there was a banquet or event that required her to attend. I could feel her shaking and I started rubbing her back in small gentle circles.
The maid returned, "Everyone is ready, Your Majesty."
Maisie ran after the maid, bouncing up and down excitedly.
We paused by a wooden door, "
"All rise for King Schuyler."
Everyone stood and I walked up the steps to the raised portion of the banquet hall. I helped Maisie into her seat then I waved my hand for everyone to sit.
"Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman I am happy you are here for this momentous occasion. You were all hand picked because you have shown exemplary traits that we need in our Alphas, Betas, and everyone who helps keep the pack running. It takes a lot of work to keep our packs running smoothly.
"Each one of you will be chosen to train in a field that will be revealed later. There will be groups of fifteen to twenty people studying together. Although you are all here to learn, you're also here to determine who is the best of the best. Because only the best will get to work here at the estate. "
The air electrified as people began whispering to each other. If there was one thing a wolf loves, it's a good competition.
The waiters came out and began to pass out the savory smelling food.
"While we eat I would like each of you to introduce yourselves and what you're currently doing. I pointed at a man with dark brown skin but before I could pass him the mic Maisie came running over.
"Wait Daddy can I go first pretty please?" she begged. A few people laughed.
I handed her the mic, "Just don't take too long."
She turned and waved to the crowd and blew some kisses. "Hello everyone, my name is Maisie. I'm eight years old. And I love ice cream and helping my Daddy work.
She pointed to her sister who was still hiding from the crowd, "That's Hayley she's too shy to say hello." With that she hopped off the stage and skipped over to the guy I had pointed out earlier and gave him the mic. Then she skipped back over to her seat.
She leaned in close, "Did I do good Daddy?"
"You did perfectly." I whispered back.
With a satisfied smile Maisie grabbed her fork and dug into the Alfredo noodles that had been served with the chicken and vegetables.
The man with the mic stood up and started to introduce himself, "Good Evening Your Majesty. My name is Advik Dhawan and I am the Alpha of the Wahaya pack in Mumbai. In addition to my Alpha duties I am currently going to university to earn my business degree.
I was pretty surprised when he said he was the Alpha. He wasn't particularly tall or muscular. The requirements for Alpha must be very different in India.
As everyone introduced themselves I found myself zoning out.
"Ew," an annoyingly high pitched voice sneered, "there is no way that's a girl!"
I glanced over and saw Diamante, my Beta's daughter, whispering to her friend that was sitting next to her. Her friend laughed in an equally annoying way.
On the outside Diamante was beautiful. Curves in all the right places, brown eyes and hair, and her face was beautiful. But all that immediately disappeared the moment she opened her mouth. She'd been trying for years to get me to be her husband but that would never happen.
I looked back over to the crowd to see how many more people we had to go through before we were done but I couldn't take my eyes off the young woman who was currently standing. She was tall and skinny but still toned. I could see the definition in her legs. She wore a short black dress with a plunging neckline that showed off her cleavage just enough without being to0 revealing.
The room was quiet and everyone was focused on the young lady. The man sitting next to her looked pissed that everyone was paying so much attention to the girl. I assumed he was her boyfriend.
She stood with her head held, "Good Evening Your Majesty, My name is Ayla Livingston. I'm part of the Iverwood pack. I am currently going to college to get my degree in fashion design."
She was the prettiest person I had ever seen. I wanted her to be my mate. I wanted to watch as I made her cum, my name on her lips. I wanted to love her, protect her, and give her anything she wanted.
"Daddy, is that a Barbie doll?" Maisie asked.
"I don't know, maybe you should go ask her."
Maisie nodded then darted off in the direction of Ayla. Maisie tapped on Ayala's shoulder and the woman turned and smiled at her. Maisie started talking to her and Ayla seemed happy to answer. When Maisie returned she looked shocked.
"I knew she was a Barbie." she whispered.
I couldn't stop that escape but Maisie was just too cute for her own good sometimes.
I motioned over to one of the maids and asked her to put Hayley to bed. After she left with Hayley I started to dig into my food.
"There is no way that ugly girl didn't have a ton of work done." Diamante's friend said.
"I know! Do you think that there's anything on her that's not plastic?"
Normally I'd tune her out but the fact she was talking about Ayala grinded my gears. But I didn't say anything. Once the meal was over people began to mingle. Talking to friends that they probably hadn't seen in a while. I glanced over at Ayla and saw that she was still seated but was talking to a group of girls who had some over. I didn't see her boyfriend anywhere though.
"Good Evening Your Majesty." I looked away from Ayla to see who had spoken and when I saw who it was I got up and wrapped him in a huge hug. We stood like that for a moment.
"I'm so happy to see you Damien! It's been so long since we've gotten a chance to see each other."
"Yeah, one of the downsides of being the King and an Alpha of the largest pack in the community."
Damien was my oldest friend. We grew up together, even going to the same college. When we were in our early 20s he had to move to the other side of the states to take over his father's pack due to his ailing health. Since then we were lucky if we were able to see each other once a year but this time around it's been almost three years.
"Is your wife here?" I asked as I looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of Dianne.
He smiled proudly,"No, she's home with the twins."
I paused for a minute. Did he say children? As in more than one? How did I not know?
"I'm so sorry it must have slipped my mind."
He shook his head, "You didn't forget we didn't tell anyone because of all the issues we've had before."
I remembered the many times they had been so excited to have children, they'd decorate the nursery and pick out names, but they always end up losing the baby. There were many times where I sat beside my friend while he sobbed his eyes out. I remember the severe depression that overcame him and Dianne. It filled my heart with such joy to know that they finally had the children they had always wanted.
Damien pulled out his phone and started showing me pictures. "Dianne had twins, a boy and a girl about three years ago. He scrolled onto a photo of the little boy, who looked just like him, "His name is Brynne."
Then he scrolled again to a picture of a little girl, "Her name is Josephine." He showed me a few more pictures before he put his phone back.
I spotted a waiter and called him over and I asked him to grab a bottle of my favorite rum. When he returned I poured drinks for me and Damien.
"To Brynne and Josephine."
We tapped our glasses together then downed our drinks. I filled my glass back up again but Damien declined.
"There's something I'd like to ask you." His voice became serious.
"Go on."
"Dianne and I were wondering if you would be willing to be our children's godfather.
"You don't even have to ask."
"I knew you'd say yes. You're a softy for children."
Someone called for Damien, "That's my Beta, I'll talk to you later."
He disappeared into the crowd and I started mingling with the other guests.
"Good Evening Your Majesty."
I turned around, "Good evening Diamante." I tried to hide my annoyance when I spoke, "How are you doing tonight?"
She took a sip of her pink cocktail, 'Better now that those introductions are done with. It was hard to believe that some of those men were Alpha's as Beta's."
As much as I didn't want to, I did agree with her, "Me too." I kept my answer as short as possible. Maybe then she'd leave faster.
She placed a gloved hand on my forearm, "There was something I wanted to ask you."
I glanced around the hall real quick and didn't see my daughter. Perfect.
"If you'll excuse me, I can't find my daughter anywhere and I need to go find her."
Her face fell a bit, "Of Course Your Majesty."
I glanced around once more and realized I didn't see Ayla either. I had a feeling Maisie was probably getting them into trouble. I set my drink down at my table and went to go look for them. I walked down the hallway a bit then I heard Maisie's voice. When I got to where Ayla and Maisie were I saw them kicking around a soccer ball in one of the rooms that doesn't get used often.
Maisie kicked the ball to Ayla and she kicked in back while wearing sky high heels. I was a little impressed.
Maisie and Ayla turned around and Maisie had a guilty look on her face. She took a step behind Ayla and tried to hide.
"You said it was ok to play in here." Ayla said.
Maisie poked her head from behind Ayla and whispered in her ear," If we give Daddy a really really big hug then he'll say it's ok as long as it doesn't happen again."
"I can't hug the king so you're going to have to give him one for me."
Maisie made her way over to me and hugged me tight and looked up at me with her cutest face. Then she let go then hugged me again. "This one is for Ayla."
Dammit she was right, I couldn't stay mad at her. "I forgive you."
Masie kissed my cheek, "I love you Daddy."
"I love you too."
"Can me and Ayla play some more?"
"I shook my head, " Not tonight, I was coming to get you to bed."
She ran to Ayla,"Can we play again tomorrow? Please?"
She looked at me, "If it's ok with your father."
"That's fine." It was another opportunity to see Ayla. One that I certainly did not want to miss.
"There you are." a pissed off voice said. Ayla had gone rigid and I knew when I turned around that it was going to be her boyfriend.
He stormed over to us,"I told you we're leaving for the night." he snapped.
"And I told you I am no longer your girlfriend." She snapped. I expected her to cower away but she stood talking, refusing to back down. Which made me all the more attracted to her.
Her ex growled, "And I said you don't tell me when you want to leave."
I stepped in front of Ayla, "You need to leave her alone."
He sneered up at me, "This doesn't concern you."
I was not going to put up with his disrespect or his treatment toward Ayla. I let out a growl so menacing he actually looked scared for a moment.
"I'm your King boy." I growled, "And the next time you dare disrespect me or you try to hurt Ayla, it will be the last time you have hands. Understood?"
He stammered for a moment, "Yes Your Majesty."
"Good. Now go."
He disappeared quickly down the hall and when I turned back to Ayla and Maisie they looked surprised.
"Daddy did you make that noise?" Maisie asked.
"I did."
"Really? Do it again!"
I looked back at Ayla and her face was a bit paler now,"I think if I do it again I might give Ayla a heart attack."
"Can you show me later?"
"Okay!" she smiled.
I walked over to Ayla, "Are you alright?"
She took a deep breath and nodded.
"Did you break up with him?"
"Yes," she crossed her arms in front of her, "and I knew he wasn't going to make it easy."
"Why did you break up with him?"
Ayla blushed and looked down at the ground instead of answering.
I took a step closer and grabbed her arm, "Did he hurt you?"
Again she didn't answer so I lifted her chin so she'd have to look at me.
"If he is hurting you I need to know," I tried to sound as gentle as possible and I tried to ignore how perfectly her face fit into my hands. Like she was made to be mine. "Especially since he's an Alpha. I do not tolerate this kind of behavior, no matter who is doing it."
Tears had started streaming down her face and I wiped them gently with my thumbs.
"Earlier today we stopped by a steakhouse to get some food." her voice quivered a bit, "and I smiled at the waiter and he smiled back. After the waiter left Michael grabbed my arm really hard." She took a break to try and take a deep breath but unsuccessfully. "Then he told me that if I ever flirted with another man he'd break all the bones in my body." she started sobbing harder, "And he was squeezing my arm really hard and I said he was hurting me he gripped my arm even tighter." she was sobbing so hard it was hard to understand her. "I thought it was going to break but then he let go. So I decided to break up with him but he won't let me."
I pulled her into my chest and wrapped my arms around her, holding her tight against my chest. I ran my large hands through her silky black hair and let her cry for as long as she needed. I'd been imagining what it would be like to her in my arms but not under these circumstances.
I felt small arms wrap around my back and I looked down to see that Maisie had joined the hug. Mausie was crying too so I brushed her tears away too. We stayed that way until Ayla finally stepped away. Immediately I wanted to pull her back into my chest but I knew I couldn't do that. Not yet anyway.
Ayla wiped the last of her tears away,"I'm so sorry."
"There's nothing to apologize for."
"There's something I need to show you." she licked her thumb then ran it down her arm revealing part of a large bruise.
Rage made my blood boil. And I grabbed her arm for a closer look. "I want to see the whole thing."
"I don't have anything to clean all of the makeup off with." She said.
Without a word I grabbed her hand and started pulling her towards the kitchen which was the closest place with a sink.
"Come on Maisie." Maisie walked up so she was right beside me.
The kitchen still had a number of workers in it so I went to Sergei, the kitchen head, and asked him to give us some privacy. Once everyone had left I pulled Ayla to the large sink and stuck her arm under the warm water and I started gently scrubbing her arm with soap.
Ivor? I called out to my beta using our mind link, Are you still awake?
Yes. What do you need?, came his quick response.
I need you to find Georgene and ask her to come get Maisie from the kitchen to take her to bed. Then I need you to grab Alpha Michael from Iverwood pack and bring him directly to me.
Yes, Your Majesty.
I turned my attention back to what I was doing. The more I saw of her massive bruise the more the utter hatred and disgust I had for Alpha Michael. Her whole forearm was swollen and covered in black and blue bruises that went deep into her muscles. I ran my finger around the handprint that was embedded in her skin.
I tried to keep my school so I didn't scare Maisie. But the anger that coursed through my veins made my wolf want to leap out and rip Michael's throat out. But I kept reminding myself I needed to stay calm.
"Your Majesty?" I looked over and saw Georgine, "Beta Erik said you wanted me to take Miss Maisie to bed?"
"Yes, please."
"Daddy no!", Masie protests, "Daddy I want to stay up."
I let go of Ayla's arm and kissed Maisie's head. "I know baby but it's so late and I don't know when this will be done. So you need to go to bed."
Maisie pouted.
"Don't forget Ayala said she'd play with you again but if you don't go to bed you wont get to play with her."
Maisie yawned, "Alright Daddy."
She walked over and hugged Ayla too, "I hope you feel better soon."
Ayla smiled, "Thank you."
Maisie walked over to Georgine and grabbed her hand then they made their way out of the kitchen.
I've got Alpha Michael in your office.
Good, we'll be there in a few minutes.
Gently, I grabbed Ayala's trembling hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze then led her to my office. Before we went inside I brushed her hair behind her ear and pressed my hand against her face. She leaned into it and I wondered if she knew what she was doing.
"Don't be scared. You're doing the right thing."
She didn't say anything. She was shaking even more now and her breathing was faster. She was terrified and I knew that when victims get scared they often change their minds and I needed her to stay strong. Even if she changed her mind Michael would still be losing his title as Alpha but there wouldn't be anything else I could do. And I wanted him to be punished to the fullest extent.
Inside, Beta Taylor and Michaela were already waiting. Michael sat back in his seat, a sneer on his face, and a cocky attitude rolled off of him.
My blood boiled and my wolf wanted to tear his throat out but I told him we need to keep our cool. For now. I wondered what it would be like to hear his bones break beneath my hands.
I leaned against the front of my desk.
"Why am I here?" Michael snapped.
Beta Taylor leaned close to his face and growled, "It's Your Majesty or I'll rip out your tongue."
Michael swallowed a nasty retort, "Why am I here Your Majesty?" He set his cold hard gaze on me but it did nothing to intimidate me. Nothing could. If I wasn't so pissed off I'd laugh in his face.
"Do you remember our chat we had earlier tonight?"
His face paled, "...Yes."
"Good. Do you remember what I told you?"
I could feel the fury rolling off him, it made the room heavy, "You said if I hurt Ayla or any other woman I'd lose my hands."
"But you didn't listen did you?"
"I didn't touch Ayla today!" He rose out of his seat and Beta Taylor shoved him back down so hard he winced.
"No?", I motioned for Ayla to come closer and she kept her eyes firmly on the ground as she did. I grabbed her arm and shoved it into his face.
He scoffed, "You can't prove that I did that." he sounded triumphant but this was far from over. "Wrap your hand around the handprint of her skin." I ordered.
"Beta Taylor break his hand."
"No! No! No!" Michael put his hand on her forearm and it fit the handprint perfectly not that I was surprised in any way.
"That doesn't prove anything!" he pointed angrily at Ayla, " I never touched the bitch!" He yelled so loud it echoed off the high ceilings in my office.
I moved closer to his face and let out the most menacing growl. The cocky asshole turned completely white and leaned back in his chair in a poor attempt to get away. "Today will be the last day you have hands."
"You can't do this to me, I'm an Alpha!"
I grabbed his throat in my hand and squeezed it, not tight enough to kill, but tight enough to send a message. "And I'm the King."
I let him go," Beta Taylor take him to see Henry."
Beta Taylor gave a brisk nod and grabbed Michael by the back of his throat.
"I'm going to kill you bitch! I'm going to get my revenge!"
The door closed and I was relieved not to have to hear his voice anymore but then I heard sobs. Ayla was standing, holding her head in her hands and tears dripped to the floor. I placed my hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry about him. You did the right thing."
She spun around fast "You don't understand! Michael doesn't make empty threats." she was speaking fast, "He's going to kill me. He's going to turn everyone against me and they're gonna kill me."
I pulled her into a hug and put her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms tightly around her and I let her cry for as long as she needed to. I brush my hair through thick black hair and breathe in the fresh floral scent of her shampoo. I cherished the moment and when she moved away I wanted to pull her right back into my arms.
She wipes away a few lingering tears. I grabbed her chin and pulled it toward me and I stared into her big brown eyes. "No one will hurt you while you're here. I promise you that."
"I appreciate it but when I go home they're going to kill me."
"Not if I go with you."
She laughed but once she realized I was serious she knitted her brows together. "Do you do this for all of your guests?"
"No, just you."
Her eyes widened in surprise. "Why me?"
I brush her hair behind her hair, she stares at me intently but doesn't say anything. "Because you're going to be my mate." I whisper in her ear.
"Mate? I'm not your mate, I think you have me confused with someone else." She backed up and his her back against the wall.
I placed my hands on either side of her head, she was breathing hard, "So you don't like it when I do this?" I nipped her ear and she let out a gasp, I could smell her arousal and I felt my cock twitch, eager for more.
Then I grabbed her chin in my hand and moved closer to her, "Or this?" She was breathing deeply but didn't tell me to stop, then I pressed my lips against hers and she gripped my hair with her hands and pulled me closer. I shoved my tongue into her mouth and she let me.
Then all of a sudden she stopped. She let me go then ran off. Part of me wanted to chase her but I thought it'd be best to give her some space.
I touched my lips, still on fire after our kiss, and I remember the sweet scent of her arousal. I knew she wanted me. I just needed her to see that she needed me too.
She'll be mine.

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