Part 49 ~ Demon blade

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After work, Hannah and I were walking back to the office from the courthouse. It was after ten and the night was cool and dark. We were matching strides and keeping our chit chat strictly about work. Slowly we'd been getting back to how things had once been between us; however, we were both carefully wary in how close we became physically. That was why when she reached out and unexpectedly took hold of my hand, I immediately snapped to attention.

"I think we're being followed." She whispered.

My immediate thought went to Henry, but he was virtually indetectable when he was in stalking mode. Nope. It couldn't have been him, unless she had detected him on some primal level, and with humans that usually didn't happen until he was already on top of them.

My wolf hadn't alerted me to any presence, and there was no prickling that was the tell-tale sign that a threat was near.

I was about to question her when she whispered again.

"There's a car behind us. I noticed it earlier when we walked to the courthouse and I'm positive it's the same one following us now."

A car? How had I missed something like that? I know I was tired after being up all night, but was I really that far gone that I hadn't pick up on it? It also explained why my wolf hadn't warned me. He wouldn't have detected anything from a vehicle tailing us. He needed proximity. He relied on his senses, sight, sound, and smell to alert him to most threats, and was able to perceive something even as subtle as a change in heart rate.

I glanced over my shoulder. Indeed, a small nondescript vehicle was tailing us slowly up the street. When it became obvious that I had detected them, the vehicle began to speed up.

Screw that! I dropped Hannah's hand and darted out into the street to cut them off. It caused the vehicle to screech to a halt only inches from my shins. I slammed my hands down upon the hood and glared at the occupants within.

When I walked over to the driver side, the window lowered. I peeked in at the two gentlemen who looked annoyed that I had stopped them.

"I told Carmichael I didn't need a protection detail. You scared my assistant half to death."

The driver smiled up at me. He was wearing a plain blue business shirt under a black jacket and his hair was neat and tidy. As he spoke, his tone was carefully measured. "I have no idea what you're talking about, but you shouldn't run out into the street like that. I could have hit you."

I exhaled noisily. I didn't appreciate the fun and games. I had things to do tonight, and I didn't need an audience. "Stop tailing me, or I'll call your superior."

With that, I took a step back, watching them as they slowly drove off. When their taillights were out of sight, I crossed back to Hannah who was standing where I'd left her, an uneasy look on her face.

"Are you crazy? What if they were thugs?"

I frowned at her. "Werewolf, remember?"

That caused her to drop her eyes. "Stupid, is more like it," she mumbled, knowing I could hear her.

Whatever. I was quickly growing annoyed. I started back up the street and Hannah had to quicken her pace to keep up with me. When we reached our building, I headed towards the parking lot. I didn't need to go back into the office tonight.

Once Hannah was safely in her car and on her way, I pulled my own car out of the parking lot and into the street. Carefully, I drove around the block, trying to detect whether or not I was being followed. I didn't expect them to give up that easily.

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