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THE OCEAN AIR caresses your skin, a gentle, salty embrace that whispers of distant shores. the sun begins its descent, painting the horizon in hues of orange and pink, fading in near twilight. the sound of seagulls, reaches your ears, an array of calls that blend with the rhythmic lull of the waves.

you stand there, eyes wide, drinking in the beauty, your reflection a shimmering mirage on the water's surface. your dress, a soft fabric that captures the colors of the setting sun, billows around your legs, frolicking with the wind as if it were the sea foam at your feet.

suddenly, a rogue gust sweeps across the beach, playful yet strong, snatching at your sun hat. you whirl around, arms reaching skyward in a frantic ballet, fingertips grazing the escaping brim. and then, in the midst of the chase, a flash—bright and blinding—floods your vision. you look down, blinking away the spots of light, and there it is—the camera, a silent witness to this dance between you and the wind.

"okay cut!"

you straighten up, a touch disoriented, as the magic of the moment gives way to the practicalities of the shoot. glancing down, you notice the tide inching forward.

with a graceful motion, you tuck a stray lock of hair behind your ear and turn to observe the crew bustling about.

you watch as hasegawa articulate his vision to the lead actor, his gestures animated as he paints the scene. you watch them intently, until your name pierces the bubble.



he calls you over with a casual wave, and you approach, your feet leaving deep prints on the damp sand.

seated in his canvas-backed chair, hasegawa meets your eyes.

"i want you to walk along the shore," he says, his hands tracing your path through the air. "you're not supposed to notice the camera. when you hear the first shutter, turn towards it in shock—look at nakamura, pause, and then start laughing."

"okay." your nod is a silent echo of his instructions.

you make your way back to the starting point, the shoreline your stage, your sun hat now rescued and clutched in your hand, the grains of sand falling away like tiny hourglasses.

"take 21, action!"

˚˖𓍢ִ໋˚˚୨🦢୧⋆。⊹˚. ♡ྀི

"what is this?" you ask, the curiosity evident in your voice as you accept the small white book, its edges worn from use.

as the sun dips below the horizon, you're perched on a chair half-buried in the sand, the fading light casting long shadows across the beach. the black puffer jacket draped over your shoulders offers a comforting weight against the evening chill.

"for studying."

"studying?" you echo, the word hanging briefly in the cool sea air.

"it's the novel this movie is based off of."

an "oh" slips from your lips as your fingers dance to the back cover, confirming that the small book was with the name takumi hayashi nestled in the synopsis.

"i've marked every time miyuki shows up—so you can get a sense of her character."

you flip through each page briefly, scanning highlighted passages and sticky note tabs fluttering like flags, marking every mention of miyuki.

𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐎𝐀𝐓 | 𝙨𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙪 𝙜𝙤𝙟𝙤 𝙭 𝙛𝙚𝙢! 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now