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"LISTEN UP!" she stands poised, holding a hand over her heart, "i will be tengen-sama...and tengen-sama will be me!" she declares with a smug grin that doesn't quite reach her determined eyes.

her cheeks are flushed with the thrill of her own performance—the air around her seems to crackle with the intensity of her conviction, the fervor of her belief casting a spell over the room.

"there are many people like you who confuse assimilation with death, but you are very wrong," she asserts, her voice swelling with a passion that fills the space, "by doing the assimilation i will become tengen-sama but..."

her proclamation fades into the background, lost to satoru and suguru who are engrossed in the glow of satoru's flip phone.

suguru's voice is tinged with amusement, "oh you changed your wallpaper."

"yeah, it's from [name]'s new gravure shoot," satoru responds, his thumbs flicking over the keypad with practiced ease.

riko leans in, her curiosity piqued, only to recoil slightly as she spots a purikura sticker clinging to satoru's phone. the familiar face of [name] stares back at her, and riko's expression morphs into one of mock disgust.

"you guys keep getting weirder!!!" she exclaims, her voice rising in disbelief before she zeroes in on satoru, "are you a [name]-tan fanboy?! gross! pervert!!!"

the scene shifts without warning as you're hit by a sudden sneeze, jolting you in the stylist's chair. the hairstylist's hand jerks away, the hot curling iron nearly grazing the air where your head was a moment ago.

"are you okay?" she asks, her voice laced with concern.

"yeah," you assure her, even as another sneeze threatens to break through.

"you're not catching a cold?" she inquires, eyeing you with a mixture of worry and caution.

"it's summer," you remind her with a light chuckle, brushing off the idea as the warm, scented air of the salon wraps around you, a stark contrast to the chill that seems to have tickled your nose out of nowhere.

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sunlight ricochets off the azure metal table, casting a dance of reflections that play across bleach-blond's animated face.

the cafe buzzes with the hum of conversation and the clink of porcelain, a symphony of the everyday that's momentarily drowned out by his boisterous call.

"yo [name]-ppi!" tsutomu's voice cuts through the murmur of conversation, his gyaru-oh outfit screaming for attention in a riot of colors.

you can't help the tiny cringe that escapes you; even under the summer sun, his hair remains a gravity-defying testament to the liberal application of mousse.

with a sigh, the chair scrapes against the concrete with a metallic whisper as you pull it out, the cool touch of the metal seeping through the fabric of your clothes as you sit down. tsutomu leans forward, his energy almost tangible, and the cafe fades into a pleasant blur.

"what'd you wanna talk about?"

"wait wait, i didn't say anything! [name]-ppi why do you look so mad?" he looks genuinely puzzled, his hands fluttering like startled sparrows.

"i'm busy you know," you remind him gently.

"i know i know," he concedes, waving his hands dismissively as if swatting away the words hanging in the air. "i'll get to the point then."

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