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THE ROOM WAS DIM, the only light a sliver of the moon casting a gentle glow through the partly open window. the curtains fluttered softly as a breeze whispered in, carrying the scent of night-blooming hydragneas.

shoko stood motionless, her silhouette a ghostly figure against the backdrop of the serene bedroom.

she watched the rise and fall of your chest—with a guilt that makes her hesitant.

the memory of the mission still haunted her—the way your skin seemed to roil and churn, as if something beneath was struggling to break free.

it was a sight that had etched itself behind her eyelids, a grotesque dance of flesh that no amount of blinking could banish.

her research had led to one conclusion—and it clawed at her mind, but she didn't know how to break it to you, or anyone. she was stuck, and now, watching you as you slept, she believed this was the only way.

her hand trembled as she reached out, her fingertips hovering just above your arm, hesitating.

"i'm so sorry," she murmured, the words barely a breath. guilt weighed heavy on her, so much so that it threatened to choke her, "i'm so sorry [name]."

earlier, her request to stay had been met with your playful skepticism.

"what?" you had teased, a smile audible in your voice, "scared of the dark?"

shoko could hear just how much satoru has influenced you—the idea of you having his personality somewhat amusing as a smile grazed her face.

she had simply nodded, a quiet "yeah" slipping out.

but it wasn't the darkness she feared; it was the unknown, the possibility of what she might find lurking beneath your skin—a secret she was both desperate and terrified to uncover.

the moonlight now seemed to retreat, as if giving space for the spell that was about to unfold.

her voice was a soft murmur, a contrast to the silence that had enveloped the room.

as she spoke, the air around them thickened, a visible shimmer that danced like heat above a summer road.

her hands, steady now with purpose, moved through the motions, weaving the veil that would shield them from any prying eyes or lingering spirits.

shoko knew her own barriers weren't strong, so she never used them.

but she wasn't going to fight in this moment. there was already yaga-sensei's veil around the school—and she was aware that the veil she casted could break under the pressure of his because she knew hers wasn't strong.

but she still tried, and although it wavered, it remained intact.

she watched intently, her eyes never leaving your form. her fears manifested into reality as your skin started to bubble over, a grotesque transformation that seemed to mock the serenity of the room.

immediately, she breaks her own veil, the protective barrier dissipating as if it were never there. her fingers moved with urgency now, tracing the contours of your afflicted skin, her reverse jujutsu flowing from her like a healing balm.

the bubbling subsided, the skin smoothing out as if the turmoil beneath had been quelled by her words. shoko's breath hitched, relief and exhaustion mingling in her chest.

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