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It had been a few days since Buck and Eddie's sexual encounter at the bar. Despite the passing days, the memory constantly lingered in Eddie's mind. He found himself stealing glances at Buck when he thought no one was looking, his mind drifting back to the intoxicating rush of pleasure they had shared.

In the quiet moments between calls, Eddie couldn't help but replay the events of that night in his mind, the sensation of Buck's touch still sending shivers down his spine. He wondered if Buck was thinking about it too, if he felt the same magnetic pull that seemed to draw them together whenever they were near.

Nonetheless, Eddie was eager to do it again. There were so many things he wanted to try with Buck, and their little arrangement was gonna allow him to do that.

"So, what are the rules here?" Buck asked, his tone light but curious as he watched Eddie jot down some notes on a piece of paper.

It had been a quiet day at the firehouse, so while the rest of the 118 was upstairs making lunch, Buck and Eddie took this time to go somewhere a little quieter and hash out the rules of their arrangement.

"Well, first rule is discretion," Eddie began, tapping the pen against the paper. "We keep this between us, no telling anyone else."

His was voice firm as he emphasized on the word 'us'.

"Got it." Buck nodded in understanding, a smirk forming on his face. "Our little secret."

Eddie wrote down the first rule before Buck spoke again. "Second rule, have fun." his smirk only widened, "This is supposed to be enjoyable for both of us, right?"

Eddie grinned in response, his eyes looking Buck up and down. "Absolutely," he replied, a hint of excitement in his voice. "No pressure, just good times."

Both men stayed quiet after voicing the second rule, neither wanting to bring up the most obvious one. But why?

"Anything else?" Eddie asked, obviously playing stupid.

"Um..." Buck replied, looking down for a couple seconds before meeting Eddie's eyes.

"No feelings."

Eddie nodded in agreement, his expression turning serious. "Right, strictly physical," he clarified, writing it down and underlining that rule in bold.

He then extended the pen and paper towards Buck. "Alright, you first," he said, his tone playful yet firm.

Buck accepted the pen with a smirk, his gaze locking with Eddie's as he brought the tip of the pen to the paper. He signed his name in bold letters, the ink drying quickly under the locker room lights.

Handing the pen back to Eddie, Buck raised an eyebrow expectantly. "Your turn Diaz," he teased.

Eddie chuckled and took the pen, adding his signature beneath Buck's. With a satisfied nod, he set the pen down and looked up at Buck.

"There," he started as he leaned in closer to Buck. His warm breath hovered over his neck and ear, making Buck take a shaky breath.

"How about we seal this with more than just ink, hm?" he murmured, a seductive gleam in his eyes.

Buck swallowed hard, torn between the temptation of giving in to Eddie's advances and the need to maintain professionalism in the workplace.

"Eddie..." Buck's voice was a low strained whisper, as he struggled to resist the man. "As much as I want to... we can't. Not here."

Eddie chuckled, though there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes. "You're right," he conceded, though his gaze lingered on Buck's lips for a moment longer before he straightened up. "Later, then."

Buck took notice of Eddie's gaze on his lips and took this opportunity to tease him a little. He licked his lips and moved his face so it was inches away from Eddie's, his eye's meeting the other man's.

"Later. In my apartment. In my bed." he whispered, "Naked."

Eddie's breath caught in his throat, his heart beating fast.

The sound of footsteps quickly broke them apart, Buck standing up and pretending like he was grabbing something from his locker.

Chimney's voice echoed through the hallway towards them. "Lunch is ready guys!" he sang happily.

Eddie cleared his throat. "Thanks, Chim. We'll be up in a minute," he called back, his voice a little rougher than usual.

Buck flashed Eddie a playful grin before turning to follow Chimney out of the locker room, leaving Eddie alone with his thoughts.

As he gathered himself and headed upstairs, he couldn't shake the lingering anticipation of what awaited him later that night. Eddie made his way to the kitchen, ready to put aside his desires for now and focus on the present. But deep down, he couldn't shake Buck's words from his head.

His apartment. His bed. Na-

The ringing of the firehouse alarm sounded.

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