Friendly Competition

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~Your pov~

I hummed as I sat behind my cover, adjusting the scope of my sniper rifle. Bullets whizzed past my head, some hitting the cover I was behind and some ricocheting off the rim of my cover. My hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail, and I continued to hum to myself as I checked my clip, 'Four rounds I have any more?' I thought to myself as I peered over the rim of my cover. Eight Blue Suns mercs were moving into cover while one stayed behind. "They're getting closer," I said to myself. I reached into my pouch on my thigh, but there weren't any more bullets in there. "Of course," I muttered. I grumbled to myself. Once I heard a break in the support fire one of the mercs was giving to the other, I quickly aimed at the merc's head and shot. I watched as one of the merc's heads exploded into a pink-red mist. I quickly got back down behind my cover. I let out a sigh as they began to fire at me again, "Take your time, Y/N..." I told myself to calm down and closed my eyes, trying to still my racing heart. I was scared that they'd shoot me. That was when I heard the gunfire get louder.

I peeked over the edge and saw a human Turian and Quarian running to take cover. I groaned as I started to fire back at the Blue Suns. One of the bullets fired by a merc had hit the wall behind me, ricocheted off it, and grazed me on the side. Unfortunately, I was out of Medi-Gel, so I couldn't heal up. I groaned as I struggled to fire back, but the pain was overwhelming. "Stay down!" "We'll get to you!" the human said with some concern, as I coughed a little."Gotcha! I'll do that. I replied to him. The gunfight went on and on until there was finally silence. "Are you guys dead?" I asked. I heard footsteps and asked if anybody was there. But it seemed like they'd already left. I tried to reach for my gun, but I couldn't get to it in time. Then a man in N7 armor, a Turian with scars on his face that were still healing, and a Quarian came around the corner. "What brings you here?" I joked but then groaned as I pressed harder into my gunshot wound. "I've got some Medi-Gel here," the human said as he applied the Medi-Gel to me. I took a moment to catch my breath before I stood up, grabbed my sniper rifle, and removed the thermal clip. He said, "My name's Commander Shepard, and I'm here because I need your help." I arched an eyebrow. "You need my help?" I said, "It depends on what sort of help you're looking for." I looked over at them, and the Turian stared back at me. "Hey buddy, I don't like being stared at," I said with a laugh, "I'd hate to have to damage the other side of your pretty face." He blinked a few times and then chuckled. "Shepard, you must be joking," the Turian said as Shepard looked at him.

"We have no other choice," Shepard said. I smiled at him as I put away my gun. "What can I do for you, Commander?" I inquired after the Commander had exhaled. "I need to get in touch with Whisper, and Aria said you're the best person to do it," he said as I thought it over. "No," I replied as I turned on my heel and began to walk away. "Wait a minute." He grabbed my arm, and I quickly twisted it behind my back, slamming his cheek against the wall in the process. At this point, the Quarian and Garrus drew their guns on me. "Don't ever touch me like that again," I said, my voice low and dangerous. He said, "I need her help." I let him go and looked at them. "Whisper doesn't work with Spectres," I explained, "I need her help to take down the Collectors. They're abducting human colonies." He looked at me expectantly. "Why should she care?" I inquired, crossing my arms. "Because they're working for the Reapers," he said. "I don't think she cares about that. She doesn't care for the universe," I told him. "She's a part of this universe, isn't she?" the Quarian asked as I looked at her."Please, explain why she should help the universe when it has turned its back on her. Her husband went and joined that...Archangel...and now he's dead." I gave them a withering look.

"That was Sidonis." Not Archangel! Garrus looked at me and growled, "And that tells me who you are." I glared at him and said, "She doesn't blame you for killing him, but she blames you for not protecting him." I took a deep breath. "Who do you work for?" I asked the Commander."Cerberus," he answered. My whole mood changed. Cerberus was working with Shepard, Cerberus knew my real parents, and Cerberus was responsible for my current situation. I smiled and said, "Let me talk to her." Then I walked away, acting like I was calling someone on my Omni-Tool, making sure no one could see me. After some time, I went back over to them, "She said she couldn't help you. She's on Earth visiting her relatives. But she told me to come with you. I was trained by her. It isn't the best or what you wanted. It's the best you'll get from her." I told them, "Welcome aboard..." He trailed off as he held out his hand. "Y/n L/n," I said, shaking his hand. I followed him to his ship and stopped just outside the entrance. "How are you holding up?" Tali—the Quarian who I had learned was named Tali—asked me as I stared at the seam between the docking tunnel and the Normandy.

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