Protective ~Part 1~

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You will have the default femShep look, the red hair, freckles, and whatnot-Hoshi

When Garrus first met Commander Shepard, it was a bit of a shock. She was different from most humans—she wasn't afraid to say what was on her mind and could get quite angry, depending on the topic of the conversation. But over time, they've become close. He'll go to her when he needs to vent, get advice, or just talk. He wasn't expecting to feel this way about the Commander. It all hit him when they were in the shuttle bay working on the Mako together. She was under the vehicle, working on something under it while chatting happily with Garrus who was calibrating the gun on the Mako. He was one of the few people who ever got to see the side of her that drew him to her. She was energetic, a little like Tali in that respect, and easily excitable. She was pleased when she got a headshot during the firefight with the Geth. It was only when he glanced at her to make sure she was OK, that, he realized he had feelings for her, even though she was still just a friend and comrade. She was complaining about the last thing Udina had said to her. She'd always been on the wrong side of Udina. That's when Garrus noticed her shirt was riding up a tad, revealing a bit of stomach.

He couldn't take his eyes off her. He was amazed by her appearance. Even the way her shirt rode up was intriguing. He thought it looked good on her. He was brought back to reality when she got up from under the Mako and rubbed her hands together to get rid of the imaginary dust. "Okay, I checked the axle. I think we should be good to go when we go out." He noticed the small smudges of grease on her face and her firey red hair, which was pulled back into a loose ponytail. A few loose strands of hair fell in front of her eyes as she smiled at the Mako, and he looked back at her. "Shepard," someone said, interrupting Garrus's thoughts. He glanced toward the elevator and saw her boyfriend, Kaiden Alenko, which was another reason he couldn't be with her. "You all set?" he inquired, heading in their direction. She gave a quick nod and took off with him. Garrus couldn't stand to see Kaiden wrapping his arm around her shoulders, making her laugh, and giving her small kisses on the side of her head. It made him so angry. He quickly tried to shake off the feeling and tell himself they couldn't be together because she was human and he was Turian. On top of that, she's also his commanding officer, which was a big no-no in his book. 

~2 Years later~

~Your pov~

I strolled into the mess hall and quickly checked for anyone around. I then went to the cupboards and opened one, grabbing my package of cookies. I closed the cupboard and turned on my heel before I yelled upon seeing Garrus standing there with his arms crossed. He cocked his head slightly and asked, "You not sleeping again, Shep?" I shook my head. I was trying not to blush. There was something different about Garrus. I knew about Sidonis. I knew Garrus was still looking for the Turian who killed his team. But ever since we got back together, Garrus had started looking at me like I was prey to him. There was something different about him. I'd thought Garrus looked at everyone like they were prey until Jack pointed out that he only looked at me that way. She made sure to do it in the middle of a firefight with some Eclipse mercenaries while trying to help Miranda save her sister Oriana.

It was just what we did—we'd have conversations in the midst of a disagreement. Garrus was leaning against the counter next to us, watching me. "The last time it was because of Saren. Do you think this time has something to do with the Collectors?" he asked as I shook my head and leaned against the counter with the cookies on the counter and my hands resting in front of me as I stared at the ground. "So that means Kaiden has something to do with it," he said as I nodded. I really loved Kaiden. He got to see a side of me that no one else got to see, and then I was gone for two years. We fought on Horizon, and Garrus had seen the whole thing. In fact, Garrus wasn't too pleased with some of the things Kaiden had said to me. "Ever argue with someone you love?" I finally broached the subject, and he let out a sigh. "No, I can't say that I have," he said, glancing at me as he shrugged. "Turians mate for life," he told me, smiling slightly. "It must be nice," I replied, smiling back. "Until the person you've fallen in love with falls in love with someone else," he continued, looking down. "It seems like we've both been heartbroken," I said, sitting on the counter and opening my cookies.

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