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♡︎ - s

“sha ?” said felix, who was waking up and getting up on his own after the ridiculous amount of plushies i had thrown on him, “why are you screaming ?”

“why am i screaming ?! why are you here ?! who even are you ??!— i mean, you are felix yongbok lee but, you can’t be, you’re not supposed to be here !” i yelled absurdly, there was no way my sisters weren’t awake right now.

“why wouldn’t i be ? i’m your husband,” said felix, and i don’t mean this metaphorically, but it felt as if my jaw was really about to dislocate and fall onto the floor.

“what the hell are you talking about ?! that’s not true !” i shouted, the next second being occupied by the loud sound of my door being slammed open, naddy unnie coming out from behind it.

she groaned, “yah, what’s all this noise in the morning about ?”

“naddy, save me ! i don’t care if he’s my crush, i’m freaking traumatized,” i cried, running over to naddy unnie to hug her. her eyes were wide at felix’s presence and she was going to explode with all the unbelievable things happening too, but soon enough, she had been interrupted by iyra too.

“what’s wrong, sha ?” iyra said, coming into my room as well and laying her eyes on felix, “okay, what the hell—”

“oh my god ! sorry shasha, this was really all my fault !” reesey said, barging in out of nowhere, “my magical lollipop worked out of nowhere ! i didn’t know it was so sweet, it could actually produce magic.”

“what are you saying ?” i said, still sobbing, “i’d rather you explain, or fix this. no, just fix this. i’m done.”

“i bopped you on the head yesterday at our coffee shop, remember ? it was meant to make you forget our past with linlin unnie, mimi and rylie, and since you really did, i assumed i smacked you hard enough to give you amnesia. but i suppose it worked because all your delusions turned out to be true. the love story you wrote that was really good yesterday, it was yours and felix’s, right ?” reesey responded, at my will.

“yes, but nobody’s supposed to know that— reesey, you’re freaking joking !” i shouted at her, almost charging at her to hold her at chokehold.

reesey simply sighed, “i’m not joking, my candies are just too good ... why do you think they’ve been out of sale for weeks ?”

“goodness— what did you put in them, reesey ?” iyra said in disbelief, “how is this even possible on earth ?”

naddy unnie laughed, “she probably sold her organs for this kind of magic.”

“yeah, i sold my kidney,” reesey responded monotonously. the rest of us in the room didn’t have enough time to figure out whether she was telling the truth or not because soon enough, bea had joined in on the conversation too.

“yah ! can’t you let people have their beauty sleep in peace ?” bea said, annoyed, “what’s going on here ?”

“reesey has magical powers and felix is sha’s husband,” said naddy unnie, to summarize everything quickly.

bea needed a few minutes for that to sink in. slowly, she said, “excuse me ...— what ?”

♡︎ - i

despite all of the drama going on at home, today was a very important business day for me. everyday is an important business day if you’re the ceo of an extremely successful entertainment company.

“miss iyra, mr. mingyu is already waiting in your office for you,” said my secretary. now, that was out of the ordinary. and out of all places, it was so like a kdrama that she had to tell me while we were in the lift.

“mingyu-ssi ? what would he be doing here ?” i replied, frowning at her statement. there was clearly no reason to. he was one of the top idols in an entertainment company i was complete rivals with. why would he be here ?

my secretary looked shocked, it was as if i was supposed to have known this news. “don’t you remember ? you scheduled some time off to have lunch with mr. mingyu today. aren’t you guys seeing each other ?”

“seeing each other ?! oh my god, okay. let’s not go to my office first. i have to call sha,” i instructed, there was no way this wasn’t related to sha’s writing and reesey’s magical lollipop. i have had nothing to do with mingyu before this.

♡︎ -r (reesey) !

the page flipping of a magazine was just the right sound to hear, in a place like my café. the smell of magazine pages were just right too, but the smell of coffee and pastries deserved the top spot in it’s own haven. i put my magazine down and checked my watch, i had somewhere i needed to be. i called my worker to help take care of the café, and the bell on the door was the last i heard of it after leaving my lovely shop.


“shua ! please smile for the pic !”

cameras were everywhere, but i had come with my own. as the owner of a successful joshua hong fansite, i had to do all of the work on my own. hard work always pays off.

and it did seem like the offensive paparazzi did not leave a spot for me to take photos, but they were pushing amongst one another too much for my liking. they were also disrespecting shua. and that, had me enraged.

but i sat reserved and away from the crowd, zooming in with my canon 800d dslr camera on shua to get his best angle and outfit pictured and recorded. i placed my finger on the shutter release button, not realizing i had some left over candy on it until i pressed it. the candy i ate on the way here, it had gone this far to remain on my finger for absolutely no reason. i licked my finger to get rid of it, and was shocked to open my eyes in a completely different place.

what the ... — i had teleported right before shua, i don’t know how, but i was there with him on stage. stepping back because i was scared, i was not aware at all of where i was going. and when i had slipped, i was much more thankful to be doing that as i wasn’t sure of how to face shua at that moment.

but he had grabbed ahold of my hand, just when i was about to fall off the stage.

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