CHAPTER SEVEN ⁽⁠⁽⁠ଘ⁠(⁠ ⁠ˊ⁠ᵕ⁠ˋ⁠ ⁠)⁠ଓ⁠⁾⁠⁾

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the dining table was an uproar as we talked and laughed our bad day (excluding bea) away over our food, admittedly eating slowly just to wait up for iyra to welcome her home. it didn’t matter how long we spent at the dining table because we had no parents at home to nag at us. but as soon as the door bell chimed and the sound of the door opening was heard, the four of us had our heads turned towards the door in anticipation. all of us had expected iyra’s return but it wasn’t— it was the new member of the family who had returned ... of course, felix.

i hurried over to him as he was taking off his shoes at the door and helped him with his things. he gave me a small smile as i asked, “why didn’t you go home ?”

“home, where ? i moved out of the dorms when we got married, sha, i have my own room here,” he told me simply with the smile on his face, it was like he understood that i still couldn’t remember anything that had supposedly occured between us in the past four months. i opened my mouth to ask him more questions, but he answered them before i could ask, “i was only in your room last night because i wanted to sleep with you.”

my face twitched, and it was insanely red. “that’s enough blabbing,” i said in disgust, but i had fiercely grabbed his hand and was storming my way to the dining table.

“i didn’t mean it like that !” he said, defending himself, but i had thrown him on the dining chair at our table that we never used.

“i know ! i’m just not that kind of person, i would kill myself if i did something like that. just sit down, shut up, and eat,” i said, the most annoyed at him. everyone else was watching in silence, but they all had smiles on their faces.

“what ?!” i yelled, taking back my spot at the dinner table, “you all better shut up too, or i’ll throw a fit.”

“alright, just don’t say things like you’ll kill yourself,” naddy unnie said worriedly, “it’s not the nicest joke to make.”

“you think it’s a joke ?!” i shouted, naddy unnie really was adding fuel to the fire, “i wish i was as like-minded as all of you. and you being the closest to me, should know that.”

“i do,” naddy unnie said softly, to calm down the fire, “and i’m sorry.”

“just keep quiet and eat,” i said pettily, poking my food around with my fork, “i’ll cry if you guys keep talking.”

and so, nobody did. for the next five minutes, to say the least, because iyra came home soon after. i was caught scurrying to the door to welcome her home immediately.

“iyra !” i said, as i took her handbag from her, and she took off her shoes, she looked tired as it seems, she had a long day.

“sha. help me out, please,” she said, almost whining. but iyra never whines. what is this ? “i don’t know how to handle mingyu. i don’t know a single thing about him at all, what am i to do ?”

“oh, you’re still going on about him ? ...” i said, pulling iyra to the dining table, so much gentler than i did with felix.

“of course i am, he won’t leave me alone, you know ? he comes back for lunch and for dinner, i can’t even eat in peace,” iyra said, pouting as i helped her sit on her chair slowly. i could feel a blonde boy’s eyes follow me in disappointment as i did so, but i mean, he deserved it for saying something my ears can’t take. “also, i’ve already eaten dinner with him, so i’m completely full. reesey-yah, can you bop sha on the head once again so everything will go back to normal ?”

“no !” said two people, at once. our eyes shot to reesey and felix, who were oddly on the same page about this.

“you can’t get rid of me like this !” felix claimed, getting up from his seat.

“i can’t guarantee it’ll work, it’s too dangerous,” reesey said, folding her arms and looking away.

“you know what, i’ve got the solution, i’ll just go and get my book—” i said, turning to leave, but i realized that felix wasn’t at his chair anymore. he had disappeared, but when, and where to ?

i walked myself back to my room to go and get my book, but there was felix with the book already in his hand. i frowned and charged at him, ready to win back my book for life. but of course, he did the devil’s work and raised the book high above us. it would be the funniest joke on earth to think i’d reach that.

“yah !— felix, give me back my book !” i said, trying to reach it all while embarrassing myself still, but to no avail. he was shaking his head, still holding the book high above us.

“no, you’re not going to delete us just because you don’t remember anything,” he said, trying to fight for his cause. i sighed. “felix, i’m not trying to get rid of you, or us. i just need iyra to read the book so she’ll get to know mingyu better, reesey won’t use her powers without knowing what it does anyway.”

“really ? you promise ?” he asked, slowly lowering the book down. i nodded. “why would i get rid of us ? this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. you wouldn’t be with me otherwise because i don’t ever confess to my crushes. and i don’t hate you either.”

he was finally giving me back my book.

“thank you,” i said, for the first time, being gentle to him, “let’s go back down, people are waiting for us.”

“no, thank you. i just want to say, the stuff i said earlier, i didn’t mean it like how it’s usually talked about. i meant, sleep beside you. and nothing like that ever happened between us, i vowed i won’t ever do anything like that unless you were okay with it first,” he said, trying to make up for things as he followed me out of my room, “i’ll sleep in my own room, i’ll keep my distance, i’ll do whatever i have to to keep you—”

my arms folded with my eyes squinted, i looked ahead without looking back and said as we walked, “yeah, yeah, yeah, i forgive you. you’re felix yongbok lee, so i’ll always forgive you.”

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