CHAPTER SEVENTEEN ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱

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i actually haven’t taken the time to let everything sink in.

the fact that i’m married, and it’s real, and the fact that everything i wrote has become something that actually happened in history ... it’s funny because i’m practically jobless at home when i’m not writing or when i’m not hired to act in a drama.

and sitting in my armchair before my vanity now, i’m realising that’s what i am at the moment. i guess i was stressing out too much about how my sisters would comprehend their love lives. it isn’t wrong to say i literally brought all of this upon them.

but now that i have a husband ... wait, what do i do now ? i can’t help but feel bad because i’m acting like we’re only best friends, something about this all feels so wrong. like he doesn’t deserve it

the aroma of pancakes lured me downstairs in an instant, and i spotted the boy’s blonde hair from a mile away. early in the morning and it seemed to be that he was preparing breakfast for everyone already. oh, how precious felix truly is.

“felix ! are you doing that all alone ? let me help you,” i said, running off to him.

he doesn’t chase me away, but he tries to get me to do the least amount of work possible. either way he was all smiles, and it brought me away from my previous thoughts too. i couldn’t help but smile with him.

multiple doors swung open, almost all at once.

“good morning,” said reesey, who was sweeping herself into the kitchen.

“morning reesey !” i said, bringing her a pancake immediately.

“morning !” said iyra, who came to join us at the table, already dolled up in her work outfit.

naddy unnie and bea came along too with their greetings, naddy unnie still in her pjs and bea dolled up as well.

everyone was settled by the dining table in the matter of five minutes, thanking felix for the pancakes.

“i’ve got an announcement to make,” said reesey, almost nonchalantly. as of recently, she seemed done with everything around her.

“i’ve got one too,” naddy unnie said, the complete opposite of her. at least she was excited about her news, “you go first, reesey.”

“i bought my own house ...” reesey said casually, munching on her pancakes like it was nothing, “and furniture will be moving in real soon. i’ll send you guys the address, you can find me there when i’m not at the café or not with shua.”

as reesey announced it like this was a fun little tea party, everyone else’s jaws except for felix’s dropped.

“why, but you said you’d live with us forever !” bea whined, pouting at her older sister.

reesey sighed, it felt like she was carrying the weight of the entire penthouse. but she could tell bea was only joking, and she played along it with her passive-aggressiveness.

“there’s a married couple under our roof already, shouldn’t we all already be buying our own houses because we’re going to part ways soon ??”

“i don’t know about that,” i responded, way too quickly. ah— a reflex. my eyes met felix’s immediately and awkwardness doused all over me.

“she’s lying,” naddy unnie teased, “she’s just finding a reason to spend her money, as always.”

felix seemed to understand, from the look on my face, that we would discuss things later. sometimes, i have second thoughts about this. is he really only understanding me well because it was how i wrote his character to be ? would the real felix, untouched, understand me the same way ?

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