Round 7

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Tyreek's POV

"The rematch everyone's been waiting for is taking place in only two days. Professional boxer Niko O'Brien has finally had his repeated request for a rematch answered, and is set to fight Tyreek Kingston for the heavyweight championship title. As I'm sure you're all aware, the drama between O'Brien and Kingston began during the campaign for their first fight, which was also Kingston's debut match. During the time, O'Brien took to both the internet and news outlets to make sure the world knew his views on Kingston both as a fighter and as a person. Since then, O'Brien has taken every chance over the past five years to make his disdain for Kingston, and his sexuality especially, known. Now the big question on everyone's mind is this—Will Kingston retain his title? Or is a new champion on the way? Come back Saturday to see-"

The tv shut off, causing me to break my trance. I looked over to see Quan standing with the remote in his hand, making me roll my eyes. "You know what you should be doin' instead of watchin' the news?" He asked.

I stood up from my chair and made my way back over to the weight bench. "You be on my dick sometimes, Quan." I told him, then flinched when he lifted his hand.

"Damn nigga relax." He laughed and put his hand back down. "That's what you get for talkin' shit—I should've really punched yo ass."

"This is child abuse, bro." I muttered as I laid back on the bench.

"You're thirty three." He reminded me, making me roll my eyes and chuckle as he came to spot me. "You been watchin' those videos I sent you?"

I nodded my head as I started my reps, choosing not to speak until I put the barbell back on the rack. "He still leaves his left side too open and he's too predictable with his right hand... He ain't learned shit since our first fight. His footwork did get a lil better, but he still relies too much on his reach."

Quan nodded in agreement and watched as I grabbed the bar again. "That don't mean you underestimate him, though. You know better than anyone that when someone is motivated by anger or greed, shit can get messy." He pointed down towards my ribs, hinting at my fights with Red's crazy ass. "Keep your guard up, protect your head because he's been sayin' all month that he's gon' knock you out. That shit ain't gon' happen."

I let out an amused laugh at that. Of the people who have managed to knock me out, all of them have been much more talented and much stronger than Niko O'Brien.

But, I also can't underestimate him. Getting too confident is what always bites me in the ass.

"Imma keep my hands up and take advantage of his left side." I said and nodded my head.

Going into this fight reminds me of how I felt when I had to fight Red again, when he followed me all the way to the WBO to knock me back down. People with a grudge are terrifying when it comes to fighting—Because they aren't always fighting just to win. They're fighting to put you away for good. Red held a grudge for two years and was ready to kill me over it, and he wasn't a violently homophobic man who hates me for my identity. I know I have to be cautious going into this fight. O'Brien hates that he was beat by a gay nigga, so I fully expect him to do whatever it takes to avoid losing this time... My job is just to protect myself and win without losing my ribs or whatever else O'Brien will aim for to take me out.

Life would be so much easier if every time I beat someone they didn't come back with a vengeance acting like they had to hate me for life... At least I ultimately got Red to stop trying to kill me. If all goes well, maybe even O'Brien can stop hating me... If he can get over his rampant homophobia and possible racism.

"Let's go, pretty boy. In the ring." Quan instructed when I was done with my reps. I let out a dramatic sigh, but still got up and climbed into the sparring ring. "We gonna work on blockin'. You let yourself take too many hits, and we can't let that happen wit' this fight. Hands up."

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