Round 8

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DeAndre's POV

I don't understand how it's possible to go from feeling so much joy to pure dread so quickly...

I was just celebrating. We all were—Marcus and I were hugging, damn near screaming as Tyreek finished the fight and retained his title. I was getting ready to go join him in the ring like I usually do after a win...

And then I watched as blood started to drip from his nose, and his smile suddenly fell from his face. His eyes went blank, then rolled back, and then his body hit the ring floor.

The crowd broke out into shocked gasps and screams, but I couldn't make a sound as I shot forward and sprinted to the ring.

I ignored the security guards who tried to keep me away as I climbed into the ring to see people surrounding him.

He was laying there on his back, eyes rolled back and mouth foaming as he twitched and convulsed on the floor. "What's wrong? What's happening?!" I asked desperately as I dropped to my knees beside his body eighth next to Quan who was holding his head delicately in his hands.

"H-He's havin' a seizure." Quan explained quietly. I could hear the fear in his voice, the pure horror as he held Tyreek helplessly.

The small crowd within the ring started to split as on-site EMT's made their way into the ring with a stretcher. "Step aside, make room please." They said as they set the stretcher down beside Tyreek. I felt myself being pulled away, and I was damn near ready to swing on them once my hands slipped off of Tyreek—But then I turned to see the ghostly look on Quan's face as he pulled me away, and I knew I couldn't fight him. I knew he was just doing what was best for Tyreek right now.

I could feel warm tears sliding down my face as they placed patches attached to a machine onto his chest. Once they were attached, I heard the rhythm of Tyreek's heart.

My heart.

My heart that went from a steady yet fast beat—To nothing. Just a long tone.

I suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe as the EMT's started compressions on his chest. I kept trying to suck in air, but all I could do was choke on nothingness as I doubled over and watched as they tried to get his heart beating again.

I wasn't sure who was trembling worse—Myself, or Quan. He was still holding onto me, though now I was sure it was more for himself than for me. I don't think either of us were breathing—All we could do was sob in each other's arms as we watched the EMT's perform CPR on the love of my life, on his son.

"I've got a pulse!" We suddenly heard just as the machine started to produce steady beeps again.

And just like that, I felt myself break.

A loud sob left my body as I watched them hurriedly pull him onto the stretcher before they carried him out of the ring. They explained briefly that they'd be taking him to the nearest hospital, that one person could choose to ride with them.

I still could barely breathe, but I managed to rise to my feet and stumble out of the ring behind them.

My heart.

"I-Imma bring the kids." I heard Quan tell me, and I managed to shakily nod my head, but I was more focused on following Tyreek's unconscious body.

Inside of the ambulance, everything was even more chaotic. The siren blared loudly as they rushed from the building, the EMT's spoke loudly to each other as they tried to take care of Tyreek—But none of them were louder than my own mind.

I always understood that being with Tyreek meant dealing with constant injuries. The broken bones, the bruises, the blood—I accepted all of that because I knew that boxing was his first true love, and I could never ask him not to do what he loves just because I don't want him to get hurt.

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