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Taehyung exhaled heavily keeping his right hand over his chest and the other one on his forehead to stop the sudden dizziness which hit him unexpectedly. Jk hurried towards the stumbling male, he embraced his husband so delicately letting him lean towards his chest. "You are okay love, you are gonna be alright" Jk kept mumbling while patting the nervous male's forehead, albeit his eyes never left the door of his office room which his little brother left open before walking away. "Have a safe journey brother," the elder triplet sighed wearily!

𝐎𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐲 𝐓𝐨 𝐀𝐢𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭

"I need to reach the airport dude, drive faster!" Jungkook huffed rubbing his eyebrows in frustration. He wasted almost half an hour to book a cab, now don't blame someone who is trying something for the first time in his entire lifetime. "I apologize sir but I am not legally allowed to exceed the current speed level," the driver replied politely pressing the break. "Fuck this" Jungkook muttered angrily leaning against the back of the seat. 

He fished inside his pocket reaching out for his phone. Opening the lock-screen he inhaled furiously,"STOP THE FUCKING CAR" the poor driver jolted in surprise, he parked the car sideways looking back in a hurry only to gulp nervously. 

"Take it," Jungkook forwarded the money and left the car frantically even before the terrified male could shout "BUT THIS IS 100 DOLLARS MY PAYMENT IS ONLY 20 DOLLARS."

"Fuck fuck fuck, I can't miss it, I can't miss it, I can't miss the first opportunity I got to prove my worth. Fucking pick up the phone John or else-," "Yes sir!"

"Where the hell are you? This is the third time I called you dammit," Jungkook groaned.
"I am sorry for being careless sir. I was busy in helping Jungguk sir to rearrange some-"
" Why is it always him huh? Why is it always my elder brothers whom you all prioritize so much more than me-"
"Do hell with your sir," the raged mafia cut the call clutching the non living object tightly in between his fist.

 Jungkook looked around in desperation but finding everyone lost in their own world he let out a long breath sadly recalling the time when Taehyung scolded him cutely for 10 long minutes just because his car's fuel came to an end in the middle of nowhere! How his brothers made fun of him, mostly Jungguk who kept taunting and encouraging Taehyung to ignore him for some days and the cute whining he would try to make by faking the aura of little Kookie! Oh, every dawn concludes in dusk.

Dragging his worn out body Jungkook felt a sharp pain tugging the nerves of his brain. He felt the sudden urge to slip, he wanted to let it go, he wanted to rest from all the allegations and certain disclose of the '𝘁𝗿𝘂𝘁𝗵'. He snorted shaking his head sideways to remove all the distracting thoughts. Sighing defeated the younger Jeon started to walk down the footpath. 'I don't have any other way except taking my private jet' he chuckled bitterly thinking about the reason why he tried to avoid transporting in his jet so much. He wanted to be away from those memories just for once in his life. 

𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐯

Gguk hyung gifted me my private jet on my 18th birthday. I know it might be a bit lavish and reckless for him to do such but it was one of the best birthday gift of my life. I felt like I was flying and I was literally on cloud nine, jumping here and there, hugging the interior of the plane, clicking photos like a mad bunny. Arghh, how I wish nothing ever changed. Maybe if I didn't encounter Uncle Henry I would be still surviving in that little manipulative bubble of my life, no wonder why people used to comment that our brotherhood is too good to be true! Nothing stays forever, no one, neither your parents nor your siblings. The only someone I am worried about right now is my little husband, he is too innocent to be true. I will return to you love, just wait for some days, I promise- 

Possessive Triplet JeonsWhere stories live. Discover now