Blame The Hormones - 2

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Seriously? What do you want me to do now? Threat you all like others? Be like, 500+ comments or no update? I think that's the only way now! Its been a year yet the views are below 200K ?! *disappointed in everything*

I love my books so yeah! 


"Baby love, please stop poking Taetae's stomach like that!" Taehyung bit his lower lip to stop himself from cooing at his husband again and again like an obsessed psycho-

"Mwommy bwunny shleepy, chu shay him gwuud night!"Taehyung licked the drool from his lips and shook his head vigorously trying to regain his sanity back which for sure is being stolen by the adorable giggling bunny who keeps forwarding his index finger and poke all around Taehyung's stomach which is uncovered because Taehyung is somehow smitten for his little love, so why not?

"B-Bwabiesh h-hwappy Tookie awppy!!" Jungkook claimed squealing cutely again caressing Taehyung's stomach just below the navel. "Is it? So baby Kookie, tell me how are you going to make the babies happy?" little Jungkook stared at Taehyung with wide doe eyes earning some 'aww's' from him but soon his eyes shined with thousands of stars gleaming in them as he shouted happily,"Tookie know Tookie know, mwove chu hwand mwommy," Taehyung inquisitively did as Jungkook asked him to by removing his left hand which was placed on his stomach, soon his furrowed expression turned into a gentle, smiling one!

 "Is it? So baby Kookie, tell me how are you going to make the babies happy?" little Jungkook stared at Taehyung with wide doe eyes earning some 'aww's' from him but soon his eyes shined with thousands of stars gleaming in them as he shouted happi...

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Taehyung's pretty lips puffed out in contentment, he closed his eyelids leaning his head against the couch while enjoying the princess treatment from his little space hubby. "M-mmm, lets sleep now baby, your hyungies will arrive soon," Jungkook giggled out loudly noticing his mommy's smiley expression, the little one got overjoyed and continued to trace his wife's exposed stomach with his finger tips, a soft ticklish yet fluttering feeling crept over Taehyung's chest, the pregnant male dozed off unknowingly to let the exhaustion flee from his body. 

"Bwunnyyyyy, shuuu! Dwon't twalk, mwommy and bwabbies are shleeping. Lesh shleep awlso, nwu let mwomma and bwabbie shleep awlone, Tookie ish alwash with them," blabbering cutely to his bunny shaped plushie about his duty, the adorable bunny laid behind Taehyung. Placing his hand delicately over Taehyung's bare stomach he hummed in happiness moving closer to Taehyung,"Twookie shleepy~." 



"Yes bunny man?" Jk mocked smirking in a way to irritate his younger one even more."Yaaahh, you  you are the bunny mannnn yaaaahhh-"

"STOP SHOUTING YOU COCONUT HEADS!!" Taehyung huffed after yelling his lungs out, he is so ducking done with his crackhead husbands who act more like three years old rather than sane, matured men. "What are you you all? 2? 3? Or do you also have little space huh? All xerox copies of one another shut your bunny lips up or Taetae will call meow meow-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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