Bad news?

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Jk frowned at the audacity of someone making skin contact with hi-

"Hubby~" Jk's eyes widened as he looked aside to confirm the owner of the voice, he yelled in joy when he saw the figure staring at him with Bambi eyes,"PETAL!!" Jk wrapped an arm around the smaller male in enlightenment pulling him on his lap. "How are you feeling baby? Is your health fine now?" Taehyung nodded cutely mumbling,"Mm hmm. I am much better now, I visited Kookie but he was well asleep so I called dad and he told me that you were downstairs, after asking the guards I came to the backside of the building and then I found you sitting here like a pouty bunny. I checked on Gguk too, the sight was too much for me to bear so I left."

"You should have been resting in our home baby, its neither the right place nor the right time for you to be here. Your health isn't fine love," Jk stated rubbing his nose against Taehyung's exposed neck. The fluffier male pouted angrily cross his hands against his chest and poked Jk's chest with his small index finger," You bunny faced human, without apologizing to me since you hid Koo and Ggukie's accident from me you are still ordering me around to take care of myself. You better watch your mouth Jeon Jk, meow meow hyungie is always ready to arrange our divorce papers if I want to," Jk's doe eyes popped out of socket he immediately wrapped his hands around the younger even more firmly pulling him against his chest. "Bun, you are so cruel. Why are you getting so fierce nowadays hm? Jungkook is alright now, hopefully Gguk will also have a successful operation. Now you should also take care of yourself."

"What do you mean by hopefully huh? Gguk will surely ace it, after all he is Jeon Taehyung's dummy hubby, the big bad mafia king he he he," Taehyung giggled adorably ruffling Jk's hair who has a small bunny smile plastered on his face. "Love?"


"Gguk's operation will start by now I think we should get going," Jk caressed Taehyung's thighs, his fingers brushing against the comfortable fabric of his husband's pants. "Also I will arrange a checkup for you personally. Bun, did the doctor mention any special reason regarding your loss of consciousness? Although I think it was more of like a panic attack because my little wifey worries too much and is a bit more sensitive than little babies so yeah-"

"Yaaaah Jeon Jk you really want a divorce huh? Bratty bunny," Jk chuckled softly before continuing,"Bub lets go now, its already 6:15 pm. Mr Arthur will start by 6:30," just as Jk was about to lift his little life in bridal style Taehyung jumped out of his lap sitting beside him on the bench. 

" No I won't go until you feel okay enough to handle the nervousness. There's been a lot going on with you Koo I can feel it, at first I got sick, then Kookie's behavior started to change, yesterday he even yelled at you, he was expressing his disappointment with your decisions, after that I fainted again. I didn't even clarify the reason of my illness to you, I was still senseless when you had to leave me because John informed you about Koo's accident. As soon as hyungie reached there you left me under his care. I don't know how you got informed about Gguk's decision but you did. You are a living human too Koo, you also have feelings, you can cry about it if you want to. See no one is here, its just you and me, we still have enough time left to reach there. Koo?" the concern laced voice of Taehyung made Jk look in his eyes with a glint of exhaustion flashing distinctly. Taehyung sighed putting Jk's head over his shoulder, he patted his head multiple times but his movements halted when he realized drops of water moistening his shirt. 


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