Good news?

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The tiny male almost puked disgustingly witnessing the awfully sweet bonding between the mafia brothers. What the heck are they exactly doing by the way?

"FOR THE FINAL FLUFFING TIME YOU THREE RABBIT FACED CLINGY LEECHES STOP CHOCKING ME TO DEATH OR ELSE I AM GONNA CALL MEOW HYUNGIE NOW AND ARRANGE SOME FRESH SHINY DIVORCE PAPERS," the sudden outburst caught the triplets attention undoubtedly. They hastily drove away from the bone-crushing hug which centered Taehyung and the three surrounding him on Jungkook's bed. Jungkook coughed awkwardly flashing a cute smile to the angry male and scooted away from him like a bunny. Jk and Jungguk gulped nervously blinking their eyes to melt their huffing husband. 

"You said you will scold Gguk after he wakes up, isn't it Mr Jeon Jk? Now what huh? You betrayed your words! Weren't you the one who always used to blabber that,'In the world of underground the only thing that matters is loyalty', dumb disloyal bunny," the stern face of Taehyung made the bunnies gulp sacredly.

Its been a week since Jungguk aced his operation successfully, Jungkook and Jungguk has been shifted to a single room after doing some arrangements, well threatening the manager with a gun can't actually be called as arrangements but, whatever. Jungguk remained under strict medical observation for three days long and then he was asked to stay in the hospital for some more days for confirmation of any more after effects.

After escaping from the triplets' loosened grip on him, Taehyung huffed adorably waddling around the room cutely, he sighed worriedly looking out of the window to contemplate about something.

"Baby-ah come here, love, petal, please sweetheart," rolling his eyes in annoyance Taehyung grabbed the knife placed in the bowl of fruits and directed it towards the triplets who held their breath firmly. "Now you three annoying dumpling ducks go and bring Taetae some spring roles, pork fried dumplings, Korean fried chicken, french fries, banana milk, chocolate ice cream and umm maybe some kimchi. Jk chocked on his breath and coughed aggressively earning an eye roll form his pretty husband.

"Now now Mr Mafia you have 3 seconds to run from here or else-"

"I DON'T WANT ANY DIVORCE PAPERS LOVE," Jk sped towards the door without any second thought, Taehyung smirked mischievously mumbling,"Taetae ish so strong," and patted his invisible biceps proudly.

Jungguk and Jk stayed motionless for some seconds before grabbing their comforters and laying down speedily, Taehyung grumbled rubbing his clothed stomach with a cute pout adorning his pretty lips. "Hubbies, did I shout on you all too much? Do you hate Taetae now? Don't you lwobe Taetae anymore? Y-You-," before he could spill another word Jungguk jumped on him like a predator on its prey catching the disappointed male off guard. Jungkook groaned when he attempted to do the same but his whole body pained a lot making the male groan in annoyance and just stare at the duo with longing eyes.

"Don't say like that bubba, you are our life. Who will shout on us if its not you hm? Its just that you are being a little bit just a tiny bit scarier-"

"Did you just call me scary you Jeon Junglegguk?" Jungkook let out a loud giggle when the nickname ringed in his ears, Taehyung drifted his glaring looks towards the younger triplet who seems to be enjoying the dramatic scene unfolding. "Why are laughing on my Ggukie you Junglebook?" Taehyung questioned in a defensive manner standing before Jungguk protectively who cooed at his possessive angel.

"Yes I am, so what are you gonna do about it you tiny whiny baby bear?" Jungguk gasped loudly mumbling,'Wrong move little one, wrong move' Taehyung scoffed at the damn audacity of the bunny mafia while Jungkook gulped slowly noticing the angry male getting angrier. Taehyung threw a fist in air stating angrily,"Y-You I will bite your cheeks you wait you muscle bunny!" 

Possessive Triplet JeonsWhere stories live. Discover now