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Chester pov: Parker yelled for me to come downstairs "dude calm down what is it?" I yap back to him still sleepy "dude I think the clone is here!" My face lit up! "Really? Let him in!" I demanded"okay okay jeez" he opened the door to a box we drag the box in when it started rustling and a hand pops up! "Hey! Anyone there?" I hear Parker's voice from the box "can you get me some clothes? I appear to be naked.", Parker runs up to his room and grabs clothes for himself i guess? Anyway "I'm gonna stand up" he says loudly "dude! No if you're still naked then stay there!" The box starts rustling I quickly hold him down so he doesn't come out and let me see what I don't want to see "bro! Stop." We went back and forth "No!" "Chill it's probably nothing you haven't seen yet!" It's true I have seen Parker's full body but that was when we were younger! We were at camp and I accidentally walked into our cabin when he was getting dressed! "So! At least cover up first" I growled as Parker walked down the stairs with his clothes and passed them to the hand, followed with a series of uncomfortable movements in the box and up sprung the perfect Parker! Aside from the scar on his cheek but I'll take it! I quickly give him a hug and lean into his warm embrace, tearful smiles on my face as I hugged deeper into his arms burying my face in his chest!

Parker pov: "so hi there I suppose I'm you? So I guess your name is mine as well. Parker?" He introduced himself...ugh yuck! Chester already likes him a little too much "hi" I growl "who's this cutie?" He questions putting his hands on Chester's cheeks making Chester look up at him "my name is Chester" he's all smiles "ah so you're the wonderful Chester my memories speak of! But why are you wearing sunglasses?" He asked Chester "you don't need to know why okay?" I chime in knowing that it's an uncomfortable topic for Chester. "Shut up no one cares" he blurts out at me! Chester immediately escaped from his arms "Dude! Don't be mean!" He defended me "okay only for you!" He smiled at Chester. Grr I hate him so... I hate myself? I HATE MYSELF! "So where is he sleeping?" He asked me "um on the couch?" "Dude the couch is so uncomfortable though!" "Yeah, can I sleep in your room tonight Chester?" Ew he has to say "yeah sure!" What. "Um no! What about me?" I say genuinely upset "oh but you've got your own room." "But I don't want him sleeping with you!" "But he's got nowhere else to go! Unless you want him in your room?" "Dude no! Can't he sleep in my room and I sleep in yours?" "Dude that's your room!" "We're the same person it's OUR room!" I yell "he's sleeping with me!" Myself yells at me so I yell back "no! He's sleeping with me!" "No me!" "No me!" We both grab one of Chester's warm soft hands "sleep with me Chester!" We both yell in unison "I already decided! Since Parker doesn't want you to sleep in his room then you'll sleep in mine!" He said to my clone! "Really Chester?" "Nope be quiet! You didn't want to sleep with him so he'll sleep with me!" He growled "good night!", "...good night" I'm defeated. I walk up to my room and flop onto my bed still mad at myself..?

Chester pov: I growled at Parker and went to my room and bring Parker's clone with me, falling into bed and talking to him a lot "hey Chester?" "Mmh? Yeah?" "Can you come a little closer?" I comply scooting closer into his arms as he whispers "you're the best friend I've ever had" I giggle "aw, really?" "Yes!" We keep giggling on until my door creaks open "Chester?" I hear Parker whisper to me "hmm? Yeah? What's up?" I ask confused "I can't s-sleep." He stuttered "oh dude, do you want us to be more quiet?" "N-no it's just can I sleep with you tonight as well?" I quickly lift up the blankets and pat the spot that's available on my other side "yeah of course dude! My beds pretty big!" I smile lovingly "thanks Chester" he thanked me and got under the covers, we all indulge ourselves in conversation when "Chester? Can I cuddle you as well?" Parker asked me "oh yeah of course dude I love cuddles" I admit as he lowered his position and rested his head on my chest hugging around my waist, hands only a little higher than his clones' hands and we all fell asleep together <3


Haii!! :3 

812 words!

Be happy and good luck bestie!

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