My princess 😼

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Sometimes when Parker yelled at me or screamed at me I'd think of when we were little, we would play 'Pretty princess' I would always be the princess and he'd be my knight in shining armour! We'd parade around the school yard with him leading me around, he'd always look at me when the game ended and say "you're my princess! Forever" and I'd smile. So obviously it hurt when I watched him say "you're my princess. Forever." And this time it wasn't me who was smiling, it was Her. Well there goes my favourite memory. What am I supposed to think about when I'm sad? Or when he's mad? Ugh! She can't keep her little hands out of anything I have CAN SHE!? I stomp back upstairs and flop on my bed. "AUGHHH!" I scream into my pillow letting it muffle my screams. Even if it didn't Parker wouldn't care would he? No. He never cares about me. "Oh I couldn't buy that for YOUR BIRTHDAY I already spent all the money on Sandra for HER BIRTHDAY."  UGH! Oh and don't forget "oh yeah that shirt? Your favourite shirt? Ohh yeah I gave it to Sandra. And she spilt coffee on it. I had to throw it out."  SHE BROKE MY FAVOURITE MUG AND HE WON'T BREAK UP WITH HER! DON'T I MATTER TOO!? SHE BROKE MY PHONE! AND LOCKED ME OUT OF THE PHONE BEFORE THAT! SHE STOLE MY FAVOURITE NECKLACE! AND SHE BROKE IT! I HATE HER!!!!!! SHE CHEATS ON HIM IN HIS BED! AND SHE THEN THREATENS TO GET ME KICKED OUT IF I TELL HIM!  


If I film it... I can show him and she's gone for good! I just KNOW she'll cheat on him tonight he's going out to his mums house for her birthday and I'll go too (obviously I can't not go!) so I'll use one of the really small cameras we have! I slip into his room and place the camera on top of his closet rim thing. I get dressed and I would put my favourite necklace on IF SHE DIDN'T BREAK IT! 

We arrive at Parker's mum Margaret's house  "oh! Hey babies!" She greets us with hugs and leads us to the living room "I'll be back in a second!" She comes back with tea, handing to us and sitting down on her favourite chair. I'll admit I don't really like tea, but she makes it so well! I can't turn it down! "What are you two doing here?" She smiles warmly at us "happy birthday mum!" Parker smiles at her "aww sweetheart! I love you two!" She hugs us and sits back down "I thought you'd introduce me to your girlfriend?" She presses on him and he turns on his phone... oh. His Lock Screen is her. Not me anymore. Anyway he shows marge the photo "hmm... sweetie... I don't know about her... where did you meet her?" His face burns red, knowing damn well he met her at a club. "Yeah, where did you meet her Parker?" He shoots a glare at me "I... uh..." he whispers to her and her eyes widen "PARKER!!! Oh my goodness!!! I don't like her! She's the kind to cheat hun!" She knows it "no! Mum she's different!" He argues "no sweetie! Why can't you just pick someone nicer like Chester!" My face burns up. "You know what you guys did when you two were little? You promised you wouldn't leave him! And you ditched him for someone like her! You ran around the backyard holding hands squealing "come my princess! I'll save you!" He was your best friend and you settled for the opposite of him! You need to get someone like Chester! Better yet! Chester himself!" I stand up abruptly "I- I have to go to the bathroom" I scurry away to the bathroom to check the cameras, and see her in bed with another guy! I knew it!  I go back out and it's awfully awkward... why?

"W-well I'll go grab a snack for you guys!" Marge smiles scuttling off to the kitchen, I look at Parker "dude, why's it so awkward." His face is red and he won't reply "Parker? Paaarrrrkeeeerrr?~" I groan trying to get his attention.


Chester's in the bathroom and my mum is lecturing me someone save me! "Well, I'm just saying!  You won't be laughing when she's TRYING to please you! But you KNOW Chester can do it way better!" She argues "...what?" I mumble "oh come on! You know it! You know you want Chester there bouncing on your-... I umm..." my face burns up as I imagine that... butterflies form in my stomach, "nngh~ Parker~ Paaarrrrkeeeerrr!~" I'm snapped out of my thoughts to see Chester next to me confused "why's it so awkward?" He asks me "uhhh... I... umm... I'll tell you later!" He looks up at me "oh... okay... I've got something to show you." "Okay..." he opens his phone and shows me... my bedroom. With Sandra and some random guy in MY BED! I watch as she squeals his name "oh... how did you know she does this?" I ask him and he opens another app showing me the messages.


Latest message. From "Sandra"

If you tell Parker what I did you're DEAD fag.

I look at Chester in horror not knowing what she's done to him, "Chester..." he hugs me "I had no idea..." my mum comes back with some biscuits and banana bread. 

Time skip hee hee 🕴🏻🕴🏻 

When they get home.


We sneak up to Parker's bedroom door and flings it open to see her naked on top of him "PARKER! ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!!" She screams covering herself with the blanket "GET OUT SANDRA!" She looks at him "FINE! I DON'T NEED YOU!" "Oh yeah? Give the jewellery back. Repair Chester's necklace and both of his phones. Pay me the three million dollars you owe me. The Louis Vuitton bag? Give it back. All the Chanel products? Give them back. The Gucci products? Give those back too. If you even try to avoid giving everything back, I'm taking the legal route. And I don't think you want to show a resume with your crime on it." Damn. "Parker! Baby! I'm sorry! I still love you! Please don't leave me!" She begs getting back into her clothes "GET OUT!" they scuttle out the door 

"augh! Now I have to wash my bed!" He groans "if you want y-you can sleep in my bed?" I offer and he looks at me "yes please. I'll deal with this later." He hugs me and goes to my bed flopping onto it "I'm going to get changed" he leaves letting me get changed too I change into my black pyjamas aka a black shirt and some tracksuit pants. He knocks on the door "Chester? Are you dressed?" He mumbles through the door "yeah! You can come in." We crawl into bed together. "Hey Ches?" He mutters "hmm?" "I'm sorry." "Why?" "I'm sorry for not listening, and I promise I'll give all the stuff I got her to you." "Huh!? But-" he places his finger on my lips "I'll treat you like a princess." And puts his hands on my waist "Parker?" I whisper "yeah?" "Wh-why weren't you telling me why everything was awkward?" He squeezes my waist a little "oh! Umm I well... my mum... she said that... that I want you bouncing on my... uhh... I think you know." My face burned up "I... uh... woah..." he giggled nervously.

"G-good nigh-" I tried to say good night but he kissed me! "Oh... crap. I'm so sorry I-" I kissed him again "don't apologise." I smiled "but-" "princesses orders" I hugged closer to him and kissed him again which he kissed back and really well too!

Princess has found his prince



1325 words

If light bulbs were never invented would I've had to use 🕯instead?

I love you silly little sillies!!!

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