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Okay guys! Just so you know this is an alternate universe where everyone is an animal which reflects their personality! Chester is a golden retriever Parker is a black wolf (non domesticated)

Ian- a black and blue gradient furred coyote.

Kyle- a brown bear with blue eyes

Oliver- a green and blue wolf.



I wake up and start my normal life and go out to my mail box. Thank goodness that the mail man wasn't here when I was awake! I hate that guy! I look beside me to see... an eye staring through the gaps in my fence! I tuck my tail between my legs and walk over hoping that this is some sick prank. Beside my house is a large forest that I've always been slightly unnerved by the darkness of the trees "umm h-hi?" I offer my conversation when the eye blinks and disappears? Maybe it wasn't there anyway and my mind is just playing silly little pranks on me! I walk back inside and continue on like nothing happened, making breakfast, watching tv, playing ga- *ding dong!* oh! My door bell 'I wonder who it is!' I think to myself excited! I open the door to see a black and blue coyote "hiya! My names- mmh!" I try to introduce myself when I'm swooped into his arms and a cloth is pressed against my mouth muffling my squeals, just before I could start to defend myself I hear something "shh shh I wanna eat you!" 

Eat me?! What!?

A few minutes later I'm pushed to the floor and hit my head on a rock "owww!" I squeal "hey! Ian don't be aggressive!" Someone scolds the coyote, picking me up and tying my hands to a tree "what is this!? Who are you?!" I cry "oh hun~" a mysterious black wolf whispers seductively as he lifts my face up and wipes my tears "I wanna keep this one." I smile as my life has been spared! "But I'm so hungry!" Another green and blue wolf whines "please? We haven't eaten for two days!" "No. I want to keep this puppy. Go find a rabbit or something." He growls at the wolves when a brown bear emerges from the trees with a squirming rabbit girl, um Ian grabs the rabbits legs and the brown bear grabs her arms... I watch in horror as they pull the arms and legs off this rabbit! The black wolf covers my eyes "guys! Not in front of the pup!" He growls un tying me and picking me up and taking me somewhere dark man I don't know! My eyes are covered!

He takes his hand off my eyes and props me up against the rigid rocky wall "w-what's y-your name?" I ask "my name is Parker" he smiles "IAN OLIVER KYLE! COME HERE!" he shouts making me flinch "WE'RE COMING!" One shouts back as they walk in each bloodied up and two are holding some kind of body part ew they offer a piece to me and I can't say no! Parker whispers something to them before walking out"Where's Parker gone?" I ask "he's going to eat... y'know it won't be long until he eats YOU!" The green and blue wolf growls "...dude! Parker will literally eat you if he hears you say that to his puppy." The bear stands up for me "Umm my name is Chester." "No one cares 'Chester'" the other wolf taunts back "...okay" I mutter sad 'I wish Parker was back here instead of the wolf, he's mean.' I think to myself.


I walk back in to see the others curled up asleep leaving the puppy awake and alone! "Hey buddy? Are you awake?" I ask hoping he answers "mhm" I kneel down in front of him "what's your name bub?" I ask "c-Chester" he seems tired "are you hungry?" "Mm no they gave me the rabbits heart." "Oh. You're not used to eating rabbit raw are you?" He shakes his head no "are you cold?" "No... not really." "You're lying aren't you?" He nods ashamed "come here." He gets up and tiptoes over the sleeping carnivores beneath him creeping over to me. Without warning me he wrapped his arms around me "what's this?" I ask "a hug. You seem tense" "oh... it's nice. Are all hugs as nice as this?" He nods i 'hug' him back picking him up and taking him to the corner and setting him down. I grab him and hold him close "hey Parker?" "Hmm?" "That green and blue one... he's mean." "Oh really?" Im gonna have to deal with him later. "Yeah... it's okay though good night." "Good night? What's that?" "Good night is what you say before you got to sleep." Ooh he knows so much "wow okay good night." I wonder what else he knows! But having him here is nice he's warm and comforting. I like golden retrievers.


I was peacefully asleep when I feel someone yank my hair back placing their hand over my mouth to muffle my screams I claw at the ground hoping they let go and let me run but to no avail they drag me through the dirt and down to the river grabbing my collar and pulling me close "you really think your tough huh?" Parker growls... Kyle was right and I'm terrified of water! If I say anything wrong I'm gone! "IM SORRY I WONT TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS AND I'LL BE NICER I PROMISE!" I plea his face softens "good... if he tells me you've hurt him or his feelings you're DEAD!" He threatens "OKAY OKAY I PROMISE" he drags me further up so I don't fall into the water  he drops me and scurries away I pant my fear out and make my way back to the cave and curl up somewhat shaken up from the events that just happened...

I'm scared 


I can't sleep so I curled up to Ian to get a little warmer and it worked I nearly fell asleep when Parker got up and grabbed Oliver by his hair and dragged him out... I think I was right later I hear screams far away... not my problem I turn around and nuzzle into Ian warming up again he wraps his arms around my waist unconsciously I'm guessing he's straight idiot! "Are you okay you seem cold." He asks startling me "o-oh yeah sorry I just couldn't sleep" I admit "yeah me neither" he replies. This is nice when Parker walks back in... but not Oliver. But a few minutes later he crawls back in here and curls up shaking.

The next morning.


I get up and yawn do a little stretch and walk outside to see Parker devouring a bird guy immediately I gag he turns around his face smeared with blood "oh... I didn't think you'd wake up yet." He says "oh my dog that's disgusting." I whisper but he heard "oh sorry... I'll clean up." He gets up and starts walking downhill I walk back inside, my eyes avoiding the gory scene. Later Parker comes back all clean now he sits down next to me "soo what did you need?" "I don't know I just wanted to see you." I admit "c-can I touch your ears?" He nods so I raise my hands to touch the stiff ears and they immediately soften and flop down, "oh! I didn't know it would do that! Sorry!" "No problem it's cute!" His face flushes red when I say that... without a care in the world I kiss him softly, he pulls away and looks at me "woah... what was that?" He asks "oh! That's just a normal thing best friends do! But you con only do that to me! Okay?" He nods and he kisses me again, I feel so guilty for lying to him but... it's for my pleasure so it's fine


Two years later!


Everything is all better... yet I still feel guilty for lying to Parker about the kisses and what they mean... our relationship has sweetened up with cuddles and hugs and kisses it's like heaven but... it's not right! I have to tell Parker. I exit the cave and walk over to him he caught a goanna girl and I've gotten used to the gore now so it's okay "p-parker?" "Hmm? What's up ches?" "Well... there's something I need to get off my chest." "Like what?" "Well..." I sigh "the kisses... they're not just a 'best friend' thing to do." "What do you mean?" "Parker I lied about that because I wanted kisses. I'm sorry." "Did you lie about the cuddling too?" He asks his mood now dampened. "Yeah." "Then what do we need to be to do that?" "We need to date." "Like Ian and Kyle?" "...they're not dating." "They should be." "But yes we need to be a couple." "Oh so can we?" My face heated up "huh?" "Can we be a couple? I still want kisses." He admits "I guess so..." "I love you..?" He giggles "I love you too." 


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