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Chester sat there giggling to himself 'I'll get my own Parker soon!' He thinks to himself he clicks on the buy button putting Parker's credit card number in the little box beneath the description which read 'this will be the perfect clone of whoever you want! Refunds available come to ******* at *********'  'the perfect clone? Yes!' He smiles quickly closing the tab and running upstairs and walking around the kitchen to find a cup he saw Parker drink out of well... he did too but Parker probably washed it...


Time skip hee hee 🕴🏻🕴🏻

The doorbell rang 'hmm?' Parker thought walking over to the door and opening it.

...a package?


"Chester! What is this!?" I yell to him as he runs out "I'm sorry!" He squeals "don't be sorry bud I just want to know if you did this, so did you?" I ask as he looks at the package "...yeah s-sorry" he stutters "it's fine I jaunt want to know w-gah!" I squeal as the box starts wriggling and squirming "... hey? Is anybody there?" A little girl whispers I open the box and... ITS ACTUALLY A LITTLE GIRL! She has blonde and black gradient hair and big blue eyes wearing a blue hospital gown "Papa...?" I look at Chester shooting him a glare "s-sor-ry" his eyes gloss over, I pick up the little girl and pass her to Chester who holds her close when tears escape his eyes "I'm s-so soo s-orr-y" "daddy? What's wrong?" He puts her down and walks away, she looks up at me with a gradually saddening face "...papa? What's wrong with daddy?" She cries ... I hate seeing Chester cry but this is possibly the most painful child crying I've ever seen! 

"Oh i'll go check on him! You stay here... what's your name?" "M-mar-iah" she puts her head in her hands and cries as I run upstairs and knock on his door "ches? Can I come in?" I ask hoping he says yes "... f-fin-e" I sit on his bed "I'm sorry Parker! I'm really really sorry! I can take her back! I promise!" He cries oh no I've made him cry too! "Chester-" "please forgive me" "Chester! It doesn't matter. Come here!" He wiggles closer too me and I hold him "dude we can get a refund!" "No, I want her" he cries harder "really...?" "Yes of course! I have always wanted a daughter!" We smile at each other when Mariah opens the door  "daddy? Papa?" "Yes sweetie?" I reply "sweetie?" He whispered "yes!" I giggle "you guys all better?" "Yes honey," "papa?" "Hmm?" "Did you give daddy a smoochy kiss?" "Oh no!" I giggle "give him a smoochy kiss!" She demands "well if you say so!" I laugh looking down at Chester! He looks up at me and giggles as I kiss him and smile, she runs up to us and gives us a hug, Chester looks at the time and smiles smugly at her "bedtime hun" she does puppy eyes and pouts I look up so I don't fold and let her stay up "i gave you those puppy dogs eyes they don't work on me." He swoops her up and walks out. He later comes back and lies down "what're you doing?" "Um going to bed" "oh okay good night!" I get up "dude she's in your room! You HAVE to sleep in here." He demands I get pulled back down on top of him "GAH! I didn't think you were THAT heavy!" He giggles "good night ches" "good night park" 

We both fall asleep when-


"Daddy?" I think Parker's asleep "yes hun?" I replied as Parker looks up at me "I had a nightmare" she mutters "come here sweetie" Parker smiles at me making room for the small child she quickly crawls into bed and immediately cuddles up to Parker "I love you papa! " I gasp at the sudden favourites! "Nu uh!" I move closer to Parker and give him a kiss "I love you too daddy!" She smiles I can't be mad at her "it's fine." We fall asleep together in bliss!


Yay! Do you want more Mariah?

715 words 

I love you sillies 

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