"Nice to meet you, my angel."

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"Angel Chester." The angelic being in front of me spoke "yes sir?" I reply innocently "you. Are my best angel." He announces looking down at me "thank you sir." I smile "the king of hell and I have chosen to conduct an experiment." My smile fades away "pardon?" I ask "we've decided to see if demons or angels can be converted." I look up at him "you have to. No other angel is quite as good as you." He commands "okay sir, I will do it." I bow my head "great. Your sister. Sienna. Will be the head angel until you return." I nod "okay sir." I bow and he teleports me to the large, tall and very pretty room. 

I sit on the windowsill waiting for the demon I'm meant to convert. "Hey there cutie~" this demon speaks to me, he's rather pretty. [in their heaven their allowed to like who they like.] "hello!" I speak "so I'm staying with you? This'll be a piece of cake." I look down at him "ooh! Cake! I like cake!" I smile "oh yeah?" He smiles "I like your cake." I tilt my head "I haven't made a cake?" He looks up at me "no I mean your a*s!" I gasp "profanity!" He walks over to two doors and opens them "huh? What're these?" He asks holding up a piece of cloth. I fly down holding out my hands for him to place it in them. Instead he throws it at me "hey!" I squeal "hah! You look so angry!" He laughs "hmm..." I scan the paper wrapped up in the cloth "this is clothing. You need to wear it here. You need privacy from each other." I read "clothing? BOOORINGGG!" he whines "I'm fine with the way I look!" He stands with pride as he unwraps his wings to reveal his gorgeous body "see! Your fine with the way you look!" He looks at me as I slowly unwrap my wings "..yeah I'm okay..." I mutter somewhat ashamed of my looks "see! All good!" He wraps his large wing around me pulling me close. Then suddenly a loud, broad and stern voice booms through the tall room.

Fine then. We'll cover you up ourselves then. Proud of you though Parker.

Is that Satan??? "Your name is Parker?" I ask him and he nods "yeah! THANKS DUDE!" he yells at the loud voice. dude? He can call him dude? How disrespectful. 

We'll leave you be.

A more heavenly voice echoes through "okay sir." I bow. "Sir???" He laughs "well. Unlike you. I'm respectful." Suddenly clothes appear on our bodies, not caging our wings though "augh... I hate this already!" He moans slouching. "It's not so bad." I mutter petting his wing "ooh~" he smiles "that's nice~" I take my hand off "no! More please..." he whines "fine but not too long." I huff as he sits down next to me, I sit behind gently massaging his wings "that nice?" I ask "Mm... yeah~" he whispers abruptly turning around and staring at me. He pounces on me "ack!" I smile "thank you!!!" He smiles nuzzling into my neck "hmm? Did you really like it that much?" I giggle petting his wings more "Mm... yeah~" he pulls away from my neck looking deep into my eyes, his pupils seem to be hearts? Why? "I loved it!" He pounces back onto me.

2 days later

"I'm going to make some food." Parker smiles leaving to the kitchen, after a while he breaks the silence "AGH! FU**" he screams I get up and speed out to him "WHAT HAPPENED???" I ask looking down at his cut finger "owwwww!" He whines "oh... it'll be okay. I'll put a Band-Aid on it." I flick open my hand as a Band-Aid falls into it. "Too big, sorry." I flick my hand again this time a smaller one falls into my hand "perfect." I smile peeling it and placing it on his finger, I lean down and kiss it "huh?" He mutters "kiss it so it heals faster!" I smile. "Oh... actually... you know I accidentally grazed my cheek..." he mutters pointing at his cheek "hmm... okay!" I kiss his cheek. "Better?" I ask "yeah..." he mutters blush plaguing his face "well... you're in luck 'cause I got a little injury right here." He points at his pants "Mm... sure..." I say sarcastically "well. Don't get hurt again. I'm going back to my bedroom." I kiss his forehead and walk away.

Later on I creep to Parker's room "hey!" I giggle flopping on him. "Oh! Hey angel!" He smiles warmly at me. Mmm angel... nice nickname. "Can you pet my wings?" I ask looking up at him in a pleading way "awh... fine but only cause you're cute." He growls as he pets my wings gently "what if I rip them off?~" he asks me "... I don't want that..." I whimper curling my wings up again "I would. If you weren't so cute." I smile at him cuddling up and laughing at his silly jokes.

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