Love potions!

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"Okay so Chester found a site on the dark web describing about some sorts of potions so we're gonna check it out and see what this is all about." Parker spoke the little blonde boy standing behind him flashing his smile like always, that smile always seems to infect Parker making his stomach twist and twirl making him smile as well. The two sit down at the table in the basement or as Chester calls it the 'the spiders nest!' The enthusiasm in the boy always comforted Parker making him always have to force the upcoming smile down for the camera.

"Ooh! What's that pretty pink one?" Chester asked enthusiastically the one he was pointing at was...a love potion? Yep that's what it said Parker read it over and over nothing changed it still said love potion "Parker? What's that one?" He presses for an answer "oh! Um it's a... love potion." He answers "really? Click on it I want to see what it says!" The brunette clicks on it and reads out the description 

"This scarlet pinky potion is a love potion. You can wear it as perfume or put it in a drink! It tastes like strawberry and attracts the person that you choose.Said person will stay attracted to you depending on how much you give to them.Be careful 1 shot of it gets them attached for a month." He hears an ooh from the other boy " I want it!" He demands "bro who would you even want to fall in love with you?" "Well... it's just for educational purposes I swear I'll be the one to drink it!" He offers "hmm, okay then." He buys it for the smaller boy and heads off to bed, Chester following behind "good night parks!"... "good night ches." He smiles, falls on his bed and drifts to sleep happy.

The next night Parker and Chester wait for the package they talk to each other like best friends would "you ready?" Parker asks the overly excited boy "yeah I guess." He says  trying to seem uninterested yet you could tell by the leg bouncing and finger fiddling that he was starting to get impatient, when the doorbell rings the blonde boy practically jumps up and runs to the door opening it to see a small package on the doormat picking it up and bringing it to the kitchen island to open it like he had claws like that of a hound. Gently picking the bottle filled with the pinkish liquid up and passing it to Parker and getting him to pour the liquid for the excited boy. The boy practically skulls the liquid licking his lips "I love strawberry!" He giggles asking for more "buddy no! You've already got a month worth of this drink!" He raises the bottle placing it atop the cabinet "please parks please!" He pleads "no! Go to bed!" The brunette demands "you're not my boyfriend! So no!" Making that comparison seemed to make the larger boy blush "I don't care! Go to bed!" He growls at Chester making a cheeky smile "ugh! I'm going to bed!" He walks upstairs not caring if Chester can reach the bottle [he can't] eventually falling asleep and lying there in peace.


I grab for the bottle with hope! It's too far! I can't get it! I... my tummy hurts... I should head to bed too. I walk upstairs to my room and flop on my bed... my tummy hurts worse now. I should tell Parker! I walk over to Parker's room knocking on the door and coming in on his command I walk up to his bed... "my tummy hurts..." I whimper softly "did you get to the bottle?" He asks "no I couldn't reach it."I admit "hmm okay maybe it has side effects. What do you want? Are you hungry? I forgot to cook dinner sorry!" He says getting up " I'm not hungry." I really am but- "you must be! Come on!" He smiles picking me up in one swoop! He's soo strong no wonder he's huge! He brings me downstairs and sets me on the chair "what do you want?" He asks me "I don't know you pick!" He smiles I love that! "Oh uhm... something easy... Pancakes? Pancakes! Pancakes for dinner!" 

He grabs the batter and pours it in the pan while I get up and walk to him huddling under his arm "tummy still hurts bud?" He guessed it. "Mhm" I nod huddling closer to his warm body. And before I know it I have to move cause the pancakes are done we sit down and eat and I admit my tummy feels better now! Once we're done he puts our plates in the sink along with the pan and the batter bowl he picks me up carrying me to my room and sets me down pulling the covers over me he smiles "I'll go make tea." He walks out, coming back with a warm drink and placing it beside me. "Good night ches"... "stay... please?" I beg "okay as long as you're happy" he gets beneath the covers I wrap my arms around him and giggle at my plan working.


I wake up and Parker's not here with me... it's okay though I need breakfast anyways there's some pancakes still left in the fridge I walk downstairs when I'm interrupted by Apollo? Why's he inside? I quickly pat him just to make him happy and lead him back outside kissing his forehead and walking back inside eating breakfast... I wanna see Parker. Now. I run upstairs to his room "ah! Dude! Almost gave me a heart attack!" He yelps " bad bro." I walk over to his chair, grab his cheeks and make him look at me but his eyes are still focused on his pc so I kiss him gently "I love you Parker" I giggle "what?" "I love you?" "Chester no you don't. This is that stupid potion thing talking not you." I'm hurt "o-oh" but it's true I walk back to my room and fall asleep.

... 1 month later...


Today I will tell Parker how I actually feel and he won't be able to brush it off as 'that stupid potion talking' cause it's not! I really do love him! And today he'll learn that I quickly open his door as to make a dramatic entrance "PARKER!" "GAH! DUDE AGAIN!?" He yaps "YES. IM FREE OF THE DRINK AND I LOVE YOU!" his eyes widen "...really?" He mumbles and fear strikes me... what if he's homophobic? AAH NO! "I LOVE YOU TOO BUT WHY ARE WE SCREAMING?" he screams "I DON'T KNOW! BUT NO I LOVE YOU MORE THAN FRIENDS!" "YEAH I LOVE YOU LIKE THAT TOO COME HERE!" he demands and I walk over giggling he loves me now!



1134 words! 

Be happy!

I love you lots! Hehe silly jokes!

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