chapter 3

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Shit Hit's The Roof

Oh yeas. Dinner was awkward for Itachi only. He seemed to be in his own personal hell. He watched as Sasuke interacted with Chou. How he held Naruto's hand so...effortlessly. How everything seemed to just scream at him how he ruined his own life. But did he let this show? Nope...well trying to stab Sasuke's hand when he reached across him to get some bread might have been a small give away. But other than that Itachi Uchiha was alright.

"He is so adorable Naruto! You and Sasuke made such a cute baby." His mother gushed. But both her and his father knew the truth but were willing to go with Naruto's wishes. They had grown quite found of the blond haired boy. Naruto blushed at the compliment. "Yeah...once Sasuke found out he wanted us to return here. No offence to you guys but I wanted to keep traveling." He said glad that he was able to tell the truth to some extent. "It's fine! Minato showed us the videos and pictures earlier. He is such a fast learner. Just like a Uchiha." Again his mother gushed smothering the poor blond 4 year old. "Don't forget his pranks. You know how long it took us to chase those dan- dang goats?" Sasuke yet again caught himself. Naruto snickered softly. "I didn't do it! Mom-" "Why don't you eat more of the noodles sweetie?" Naruto said quickly shoving some of the noodles in his son's mouth.

Sasuke caught on though. His eyes narrowed at Naruto who looked to the young raven laughing nervously. "I knew it!" The table filled with laughter except for Itachi. His hand had been gripping the fork in his hand a little too tightly. "So..." Now the awkwardness for everyone began. Hell even the father couldn't help but shift. "Are you two living together?" Sasuke waved his hand slightly. "Not currently. We just got back yesterday so we hadn't had time to get things together. Minato decided to buy Naru a house." Both older Uchiha's chuckled lightly. "Of course he would." Naruto only smiled keeping his eyes away from Itachi.

"Are you two planning on getting married?" Of course they still had to play the part of making sure Itachi believed they were a family. "I'm not sure. What do you think Nar-"

"Shut up."

Silence filled the room that even Chou stopped eating to look at the very angry Itachi. Sasuke was a little shocked at how much anger was in two words. "What's wrong Ita-"

"Shut up! How can you just sit there and expect me to handle this like it is nothing? You are with Naruto. My ex-husband and with a child. Don't think I'm stupid. The only way that child could be yours is if you two fucked while we were married or right after the divorce"


Their mother was well very angry for Itachi to even say that. Especially when Chou was there. Naruto felt tears threaten to fall glaring angrily at Itachi. While Sasuke's hand were fisted tightly.

"If I remember correctly. You left me. I didn't want plan on that. Who I am with afterward is none of your concern." Naruto stated standing up quickly and leaving the dining room. Chou though had started to cry as soon as Naruto left which caused Sasuke to move and gather the blond boy in his arms glaring at Itachi. "I-I wan't m-mommy!" Chou cried into Sasuke's shirt who just walked going after Naruto who was rather upset to be called a cheater.

After they left only Itachi and his parents were left. Instantly though his parents glared at him. "I can't believe you said that. In all my years better apologize to him." His mother warned still glaring while his father continued with his own words. "Naruto is right. You left him. Don't you dare break his world because you want to be selfish again. I lost him once. I'm not planning to lose him and my grandchild because you are acting like a fool." Though both did feel guilty for not telling Itachi that Chou was his child they were not happy with how Itachi handled dinner.

"You can't be blind. I know and well as you know that...that boy, Chou could possibly be mine. Unless Naruto cheated on me or slept with Sasuke right after. I will not just sit back and watch this." Itachi glared back his parents and saw them tense. "You know something." He simply stated his anger now slipping away as he grew curious. "Father? Mother?" Both didn't speak but Itachi knew the silence.

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