chapter 7

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Love is a Crazy Stupid Thing

Itachi had never thought he would see Naruto like this again. Not after breaking up their seemingly perfect marriage. He was grateful to have a second chance though he didn't deserve it. He had his lawyers/friends helping with case of Sakura and her trying to gain custody of his son. Honestly she had no connection to Chou. She wasn't even a good friend. She was nothing to them. Naruto had literally kicked her out on her ass when she came over to pick up Chou and take him to grade school. She called the police and they had come over.

He remembered pulling up to the scene too.

Sakura was furious as she yelled from outside. The police cars pulling up and asking her what the situation was. "That bastard has my son and he won't let me get him." The police walked up to the door knocking since Naruto was well known as it was. "Sir, she is claiming you have her son." One stated as Naruto opened the door. Naruto glared at Sakura who looked smug. "That bitch doesn't even have a son. The only boy here is my son Chou." The officers looked back to Sakura seeing how red she was getting.

When Itachi came up Sakura quickly went to him. "Look here's my boyfriend. Itachi tell them that Chou is our son." She demanded and Itachi looked at her blankly before looking up to the officers who were too close to Naruto and in which he narrowed his eyes. Said officers felt the gaze and stepped back some. Chou poked his out and he ran forward into Itachi's arms that easily caught him. Sakura looked pleased and went to take him but Itachi used one of his arms to block her.

"Officers, this woman is crazy. This boy is my son. I am his biological father and that man is his mother." He said gesturing to Naruto who was getting annoyed with all of it. "I want this woman arrested for trespassing and attempted kidnapping of our son." Sakura stood there flabbergasted that this had turned around on her. Naruto just kept glaring at her and he moved forward taking Chou from Itachi gently. "I want her away from me now." The blonde haired male demanded and the officers could only oblige. Two prominent people were not to be taken lightly.

That day the pink haired bitch had been arrested and was forced to stay in jail because she was a public risk to their family. She had begun making a case against Naruto and charging him with assault. It was all crap but it did worry Naruto enough that Itachi had his lawyers help him get rid of it. The only one stupid enough to go against them was Sakura. Hell even Haku had took the case and Zabuza approved of it. The Mist and Itachi's group working together was a great publicity and it would feel good to kick Sakura's ass in court.

As it was he was with Chou again while Naruto was cooking. They still had their problems and Naruto was still having trust issues but at least he wasn't threatening to kill anymore. They were getting along and Chou was glad to be spending time with his father. "Mommy is still sad. Someone called the house and mommy ended up getting mad and crying again and broke the phone." He stated as he played with his Legos. Building stuff and adding sound effects. Itachi pursed his lips as he patted his sons head gently. "Keep playing. I'll be back soon." He stood leaving Chou and moved to the kitchen where Naruto moved around.

"You got a phone call?" He saw him tense slightly and Itachi frowned. "Who's calling you and making you upset?" He questioned his eyes narrowing as he moved closer to Naruto forcing him to stop cooking and look at him. "No one." He knew Naruto was lying. "Then is Chou a liar?" "No!" Naruto would never let anyone insult his baby and that was one way Itachi found the truth. "Who?" He asked again and Naruto looked down sighing. "Just Sakura...she keeps calling from jail and she keeps telling me I'm going to jail for assaulting her...that I would never see Chou again." His sense of momma bear had kicked in whenever he heard her. Itachi sighed growing irate with the pink haired woman. He moved wrapping his arms around the blonde before capturing him into a kiss. It took seconds before Naruto wrapped his arms around Itachi's neck as the kiss began to grow a little heated.

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