chapter 8

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Reality vs Crazy

Naruto looked rough. His eyes sunken in slightly after the dramatic scene that happened a few nights ago. Sora and Itachi...god he was going to kill Kiba. Sora had called him the next day to see if he was okay and sadly Itachi had picked up the phone. They weren't yelling per say but the conversation itself was rather...interesting. If you liked threats being exchanged back and forth and creepy smiles.

Naruto had to pry the phone away and was able to tell Sora they were fine. Chou wasn't aware was going on after all he was sleeping through the whole thing. Sasuke couldn't do damage control. No way did he want to get involved that shit hole.

"So he's okay with it?" The younger brother asked as they sat in a café. "Of course not. He's isn't mad at me though. More at himself and Sora when he calls." He muttered causing Sasuke to grin. "He wants to make sure I'm okay. He feels bad about what happened. Kiba is fucking stupid." Naruto sighed taking a drink of his root-beer. "That he is." The two made small talk since they talk pretty much everyday.

"How is the Sakura thing going? I haven't been able to keep up because the bastard has me running around like a mad man." Sasuke saw Naruto grow annoyed and stab his chicken a little to hard. "She was let out on bail but we have a retraining order against her. She can't come within two thousand feet from us. Itachi wanted her out of the city but that was a bit of an over kill. Judge almost said because of the solid argument. But I had to say something." Sasuke smirked shaking his head. "Chou's teachers had been photos of her to make sure she isn't anywhere near the school. Basically where ever we go on a daily bases have been notified about her." Really it was over kill but Itachi was not messing around. He never was and he was planning to make sure she was taken care of.

"All lawyers have refused to work with her. The Mist and the Akatsuki working together? Even if it is Haku he is still pretty scary in court." Naruto nodded agreeing. Haku was the most gentle person he knew but get him in the court room and they were just done. There was a reason Haku was the best. Of course next to Zabuza. "Once Chou was put into the mix Haku is a ruthless monster. It's funny." Sasuke had once admitted if Haku hadn't been with Zabuza then he would have gone after him a long time ago. He was lucky Zabuza didn't hear him.

"She might end up representing herself but that could get her in some serious trouble. She can't separate reality from crazy." Naruto also wanted to mention that his dad was backing them up. So really all three of them against the psycho bitch? She really didn't have a chance.

"Anyone tied to us like the Hyuugas have been contact just to reassure them that they weren't going against us. We have a lot of support and people don't want to piss them off by trying to get the case. Only someone stupid could go against pretty much an empire." Naruto felt better talking it out.

"There is a trial date though already set. Itachi wants her to pay and he's planning to make an example out of her." Sasuke nodded in agreement. "The trespassing thing right? And she's taking you to court for what? Slapping her? Bullshit." Sasuke rolled his eyes. That wasn't going to stick and they all knew it.

"Chou will be staying with dad while we get this taken care of." He mused now liking the idea of humiliating Sakura. But this wasn't a custody hearing. Well partially it was but the other was really due to Sakura's harassment. "I would say good luck but we both know it doesn't need it." Naruto only laughed. It was true.

- Two months Later

Naruto sat there with a bored look in his face. Sakura was sitting down and Haku was talking. "On the day of her arrest, Naruto, what did the police say they were there?" He asked sweetly causing Naruto to smile. "They said that Sakura claimed I had her child." "Did you?" "No. Sakura has never had any children. The only child I had in my home was my son." "How long have you known her?" "We've known each other for years. Since grade schoool." "Did she ever come off as unstable?" There was a snort as Naruto tried to stop his laughter. A few people in the benches also tried to cover their laughs. "Sorry. And a few times when it came to the Uchihas. She had a dream of marrying Sasuke right after highschool. She had plans and everything. When he came out she went crazy, destroyed her room and almost killed the poor guy dating him at the time."

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