chapter 12

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The Story of Rupert and Luna

Location: Uncle Sasuke

Naruto was running around practically drowning in flowers. He had finally told his parents about re-marrying Itachi. What does his mother do? Call Itachi's mother and start planning. What does his father do? Calls Sasuke and complain about his "older brother ruining his Naruto". Recently Sasuke became the outlit to complain too by his father. Sasuke woke up to his phone call around 2AM thinking it was an emergency he answered and guess what? It was only Minato complaining that Itachi was brain washing Naruto. 2AM. Rupert was not happy and retaliated by peeing on Sasuke's carpet. Rupert liked his sleep. So if Sasuke woke up he woke up all his furry pets since he was not the most silent man.

The cat, Luna, was something else. She didn't give a crap but if Rupert was awake and not her source of warmth or body pillow, she would get back at Sasuke in the most public way. The last stunt was her acting as if Sasuke had hit her and she would flinch and drop to the floor as if scared of Sasuke.

What brought that on? Sasuke cut back on her treats and switched her food for something healthier. When Sasuke witness her do this he was confused as fuck, Haku and Garra had seen this and both men were livid. "She's faking! I never once hit her! Kiba check her out!" He had defended himself from the assult of the two angry males. Kiba had found the whole thing funny but did check Luna just encase Sasuke was abusing the cat.

Nope, the cat was in perfect health and she had dropped the extra weight he had told Sasuke about. So he explained to the two angry males that Luna was acting out. "The cat is evil...I like her." Garra muttered petting the cat who was purring happily. Haku had to admit the cat was smart.

But back to the matter at hand.

Naruto and flowers.

"Sasuke! I hate you're damn cat!" Naruto yelled from the kitchen in frustration. Sasuke eyed Luna who looked lazily at him but there was a gleam in her eye. "I told you not to take Rupert. You didn't listen." Sasuke defended knowing the two animals were very close. "Stop being a little bitch!" Sasuke scoffed. "You weren't almost killed by Haku and Garra last month because of her." He crossed his arms over his chest as he watched Luna who jumped down from the couch and went over to where Rupert was sleeping. He watched as she began to paw at his face a few times before he saw claws and a startled dog up and looking around rapidly.

Rupert looked at Luna who looked at him. standing up slowly Rupert shook off his sleep and Luna jumped on his back sitting there. Rupert walked over to the backyard door and waited. Sasuke didn't even question this and opened the door for them. Rupert walked out to the backyard.

Sasuke closed the door and he turned around to see Naruto staring at him.

"What...the fuck..." Sasuke huffed. "Don't question things I don't understand." Was his response.

Naruto had come over to look at the flower arrangements Ino had made for his wedding. Sasuke had offered to keep it in his spare office. It was a test arrangement and Naruto loved it! When he went to pick up to look it more closely the damned cat jumped out and startled Naruto and the flowers went everywhere.

The week before Naruto had took Rupert to go to Kiba's to get checked since he was taking Ru and Sasuke didn't have time. The dog was older so he had more check up's. Well he lost track of time and he kept Rupert for the whole day. When he got in Luna was very calm...and very pissed.

Sasuke at first asked Kiba if that was normal.

"I don't know what to tell you. They are rescues so they see things differently. Bonds are different. I looked into their past homes. Rupert was given up cause he was getting old. Luna was given up because she became violent. From what it seems the two families lived close to each other and got the two around the same time so they grew up with each other without the families knowing. I'm assuming when Luna saw Rupert wasn't there anymore she got angry and hurt. Thus her being given up. Shelter couldn't put her down because she was calm and happy. Rupert was in the same shelter."

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