Feeling Murdery

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This time he finally kept his word, and I didn't see Eric for a long time - it was strange how much that annoyed me.

"I'm only upset because I missed the wonderful opportunity to drive a stake through his heart!" I yelled into my empty kitchen after burning my cake, while I nervously stared at my new couch, chewing my nails. It had appeared one morning just as suddenly as my car had. Of course, another gift from Eric.

No, you idiot. You let him worm his way into your heart, and now you miss him.

"Oh, shut up!"

You know it's true. I'm your conscience, not your dumb friends who you can easily lie to.

I rolled my eyes.

Indeed, everyone in Bon Temps had been more preoccupied with themselves the past few days than with scrutinizing my strange behavior. Not only had my behavior changed, but so had my appearance. When I woke up the morning after a particularly confusing night, filled with nasty dreams that had me clutching my pearls and went to spit toothpaste into the sink, I dropped the toothbrush in shock.

"What the hell..?!"

My skin was clear and glowing. No stress pimples, no red patches, not even a dry spot. My eyelashes were black and long. My lips were fuller, and my hair, yesterday dry and greasy at the same time, shimmered like liquid gold. It was as if someone had applied an Insta-Filter to my face.

"No side effects. Are you kidding, Sookie? What's next? Am I going to grow bat wings?"

My unfamiliar reflection grinned back at me over my poor joke, and I fled the bathroom, creeped the hell out. It was all too much like  a scene from the horror movie "Mirror."

As I kept avoiding mirrors as a new quirk for the next couple of weeks, for a short time, I was spared from further surprises.

Sookie and Bill were once again strolling hand in hand through the night, while Sam looked like he had bitten into a lemon every time. Tara's newfound friend, Maryann, seemed to throw him off even more for some reason so his attentions eventually shifted away from the couple. Tara was not doing well at all. She had been arrested by the police after a body was found outside Merlotte's, apparently some kind of voodoo priestess for her and her mom. However, Maryann had gotten her out of jail and moved her in with her. From that moment forward, Tara changed for the better, started glowing from within. Maybe, someone finally taking care of her for a change was good for her. As much as the people of Bon Temps seemed to have an eye out for Sookie, they had completely neglected Tara all those years. Still, I shared Sams eerie feeling –  there was something about Maryann that I didn't like... However, that was nothing compared to Sam's hatred towards her. While I was curious about the exact story between them, it was none of my business. And honestly, I had bigger problems.

Like Eric the murdering vampire, James and his stupid Playingcards gang, and the tingling feeling that wouldn't leave me. Plus, Lafayette was still missing! I started to worry, even though everyone assured me that he was probably just touring the clubs with some guy or living his best life on some gay cruise. I hoped they were right. But a club tour for someone who responsibly held down two legal and several not-so-legal jobs seemed unrealistic. And out of character.  So, I worried. And I missed him. The job was a lot duller without his sparkling joie de vivre - plus, he made the best cocktails. And I could really use one (or ten) good cocktail and a sassy, witty friend.

I realized that Jason had been released from prison when I heard a surprised "Damn, Ash!" from the door of Merlotte's. I had been clearing the table for Sheriff Andy Bellefleur, who had been grinding his teeth sitting at the bar when Jason walked in, looking angry and muttering something about "more luck than sense."

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