suzie,do you copy?//Two//

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The Song quote for this chapter is.. "welcome to the panic room"

24th 1985-Dustin had just returned home from summer camp, and he was eager to take the rest of the gang to a special spot. "Follow me," he said, leading them to a secluded hilltop overlooking the town. "Why are we going up here?" asked Mike, looking around nervously. "To try to talk to my girlfriend," Dustin explained. "She doesn't have a phone, and this is the only way I can try to contact her.""Is She even real?" Sarcastically, said Gwen, who was sweating from the summer heat."Not funny" responded dustin,"Well will thinks it's funny,Don't ya" said gwen laughing as she turned to her brother who was also laughing.  

Gwens outfit:

As they were climbing the hill, Mike and El were lagging behind the rest of the group

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As they were climbing the hill, Mike and El were lagging behind the rest of the group. "Do you think they bought it?" El whispered, looking back towards the others. "I think so," Mike replied, smiling. It was the perfect excuse for them to get some alone time together. They both knew that El didn't have a curfew, but it was a convenient lie to tell the others so they could have some privacy."It's cute" Said max,"It's gross" replied will."It's bullshit..i just got home" Said Dustin as thier finally reaching the top. As the sun began to set, the group set off for a nearby hill. They had been there before, and it was a perfect spot for private conversations or even trying to contact Dustin's girlfriend, who had no phone. The hill gave them a nice view of the skyline, and they could see for miles. It was a serene time, as the summer breeze gently blew, and they took turns trying to call the mysterious girl on Dustin's behalf.Soon after it gets dark. And the party starts heading home."Gwen come on" Will shouted to his sister as he walked side to side with max and Lucas."Go on without me. Tell mom ill be home" gwen responded,

 gwen and dustin stayed On the hill for a little longer before starting to pack up.  when something caught their attention. Dustin's invention, which he originally used to speak to his girlfriend, seemed to be picking up something strange. The sound was faint and garbled, but it seemed to be coming from somewhere nearby. The two of them froze, listening intently as the strange signal continued. After a few moments of confusion, it became clear that it was being transmitted from somewhere in the vicinity. They were being intercepted by someone or something, and it wasn't good.


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