Chapter 3

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Once the circus tent had emptied,Avery snuck backstage.

There was a dull chatter from behind the curtain.She peered into the backstage area from behind a stack of boxes.She could see Felix sitting in a chair undoing and playing with Mona's hair while Mona sat on the floor,taking off her makeup.Bubbles was taking off her makeup and taking down her hair.Ophelia was sorting her cards and Milo was helping Bubbles with her hair.
"Mona darling,can you pass me the comb?"
Mona picked up the comb and passed it to Felix,leaning back.Bubbles giggled.
"Na-na your so in looooove~" She turned around,giggling.Mona scowled.
"Leave me alone Lou.It was a long day today."
Mona leaned back again,Felix smiled at Bubbles.
"I think its been a long day for all of us." Felix muttered.Avery shuffled slightly,knocking a box.Felix put his arms around Mona.Bubbles stood up and Ophelia did too.Avery stood up.
Bubbles grinned.
"Oh my goodness!!You're so pretty!Why are you backstage though?..."


The clicking of heeled boots came to everyone's ears.Bubbles grabbed Avery and hid her behind the costume rack.The familiar black ringlets of the ringmaster bouncing as she entered.Ophelia stood up.
"Cordelia.What brings you here at this hour?."
The ringmaster replied with a calm yet confident voice.
"I heard a thump.I came to investigate.Was it Bubbles dropping her juggling pins again?"
Bubbles hung her head in embarrassment.Avery felt a pang of sympathy for her.She looked so disappointed in herself.Cordelia smiled again.
"Very well then.I will see you all in the morning.Goodnight to you all."
She flitted her piercing gaze around the room one last time before leaving.Felix exhaled deeply.He had been holding his breath the entire time.

Avery climbed out from behind the costume rack.
"Why did she immediately blame Bubbles-"
Avery was cut off.Ophelia held up her hand.
"Louella.Her name is Louella."
Bubbles smiled.She sat back down,continuing to take off her makeup.Milo sat next to his brother,who was now sat with his arm around Mona.Ophelia went back to sorting her cards.Avery sat down on a stool,yawning.Louella got up and showed her to her caravan.There was a set of bunkbeds.One bed was plain with white sheets and one was white with multicolored polka dots.Louella hopped onto the more colorful bed and Avery climbed onto the plain one.The lights switched off and Avery fell asleep...

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