Chapter 4

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Avery woke up to being poked by a cane,opening her eyes to see the familiar piercing gaze of the ringmaster and Louella stood behind her looking disappointed in herself."Good morning,young one.Pray tell what is your name?" Asked the ringmaster.Avery gulped.She was nervous.
"Avery."She replied.The ringmaster smiled and exited,whispering something to Louella on the way out.
Louella cleared her throat before speaking.
"Do you have a talent?"
Avery was confused.A talent?She didn't have one.She didn't have anything special.She couldn't contort her body,juggle,tell fortunes or do flips in the air.She was in a way,normal.Avery shook her head.Louella picked out an outfit for Avery.A white ruffled shirt,black shorts,white and red checkered tights and a black and red stripy waistcoat with ruffled sleeves and split tails.Avery put it on and slipped her boots on too.Avery lived at the local care home so "going home" wouldn't be a problem.They wouldn't care.

Avery braided her hair into two plaits with ribbons in each one.Louella helped her do her makeup.It wasn't clown makeup.Just gold eyshadow,red lipstick and two small red heart on her cheeks.It was very elegant."Also,one more thing.Milo can't talk.Only his brother Felix knows why.He talks with sign language." Louella spoke with a sad voice but Avery understood.The two stepped out into the backstage area.Felix was helping Mona with her costume.Louella seemed more peopy this morning."So!I'll introduce you to everyone!"
She skipped over to Mona and Felix."This is Mona Devoe,our lovely contortionist!And Felix Godfrey,one of our acrobats!" The two nodded to Avery.She was then introduced to the fortune teller,Ophelia Burrnett.A graceful woman indeed.And finally there was Milo Godfrey.He smiled brightly at Avery.


The ringmaster entered once again."Ah.I see we have a new member of the Midnight Arcanum.Pray tell child,what is your profession in this divine circus?"
Avery gulped.She didn't know.She wasn't really good at anything.Suddenly,it clicked.She was very good at two things.Things she deemed useless.Puppetry and Origami.
"I'm good at puppetry and making origami."
The ringmaster smiled.
"Well.We can't do much with origami.But puppetry we can work with.Now.Would you like a stage name?Or would you like to keep your real one?"
Avery decided to keep her real name.
The ringmaster left and Milo knocked on the table to get everyone's attention.
AN:Milo using sign language will be shown using italics.
"Amazing!We have a new friend joining us!"
Milo smiled.Ophelia clapped her hands together.
"Well Avery.Welcome to the Midnight Arcanum."
Later that day,there was a box on Avery's bed.
Inside was a set of animal puppets.They weren't too small.Nor too big.Yet perfect for a puppeteer.It was from Louella.Over the rest of the day everyone was practicing and Avery joined in.She was getting very good at it.The ringmaster watched from the stands,her grey eyes flitting across the different circus members practicing,smirking.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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