● Love

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Dekisugi's smile dropped as he heard the car pull over. As if, it was a reminder, that he and Nobita could not be together.... and if they dreamt of it, it would come with a great price.

"I-I think you should go now.." He looked away with a heavy heart.

Nobita placed a little peck on his forehead.

"See you tomorrow," he said in a husky voice.

As soon as he was about to get up, the door was opened from the other side.

A middle-aged woman eyed the tall stature of the boy,

"Good afternoon," Nobita said in a gentle tone while he bowed,

"Who are you?" The lady asked in a stern voice.

*"At least greet him back"* Dekisugi cursed mentally.

Nobita smiled, "Nobita Nobi mam"

"Nobita?!" She gasped, "Wow... you have changed a lot.."

"I know"

"Well, how's your studies going?"


"How's your mom? It's been a long time since I met her"

"Oh, she's great"

"Yeah?" She chuckled.

"I should get going now"


Nobita left the room, leaving Dekisugi alone with his mom.

"Jesus... he is almost unrecognizable"

Dekisugi stood there in silence, he usually avoided initiating any conversation.

"Why was he here?"

"He and I are a part of a group project so.."

"And what were you doing beforehand?"

"Studying mom"

"Alright then"

She closed the door and left Dekisugi all alone, again.

*"At least ask how am I Mom..."* Dekisugi's eyes became moist again.


Dekisugi laid his head on the table, lost.

"You good?" Ida asked in a concerned tone.

"I am fine" Dekisugi didn't face him. Ida became worried but he wasn't sure about continuing to pursue the matter.

The door slid open,

"Good morning mam"

All the students stood in their seats.

"Morning, please sit"

She adjusted her glasses as she pulled out a folder.

"As you all are aware, Admit cards regarding the annual science olympiad have been released, please raise your hands if you wish to participate"

"Gian, it's not compulsory, moreover we always come in the last 10 positions every year" Suniyo whispered.

"Come on Suniyo! Nothing wrong with trying! You do know there is a cash prize along with medals!"

"You always say that..."

"Come on! Why back off if we are not afraid of failing? What if we win someday!"

"You need to study to win, betting on luck won't help," Mrs Yuri said in a cold tone.

"I swear to God I would knock this bitch's teeth out one day" Gian whispered.

Nobita thought alike, he didn't like Gian but one thing he admired about him was his confidence and will to try, without worrying about the result.

Mrs. Yuri's eyes pierced through Dekisugi's soul as he didn't raise his hand.


"Yes mam"

"Why aren't you giving the olympiad"

Dekisugi's mind was blurred, he honestly didn't know the answer himself, he was just...tired.

"I am not well mam... I would rather study the ongoing syllabus thoroughly.

Mrs Yuri raised a brow but didn't ask anything further.

"Ok, sit"

"You okay? You never miss these?" Ida asked.

"I am just not in a mood"

"Dekisugi... please tell me if something is wrong, how would I help you if you refuse to share it?"

"It's nothing, I am just not in the mood to study"

"But- why? This- you don't usually act like this"

"I said, it's nothing. Now stop bothering me."

"You know what? Fine, keep your fucking ego to yourself"

Ida said angrily. He was frustrated, and Dekisugi didn't blame him.


Dekisugi was walking through the hallway when someone pulled him to the washroom.

"What the fuck-"

"Shh, it's me" Nobita placed a finger on his lips.

A slight blush appeared on Dekisugi's cheeks considering how close both of their faces were.


Nobita chuckled.


He tightened his hands around Dekisugi's waist while giving him a gentle peck.

"How are you?" He asked in a gentle tone.


"Why didn't you give your name for the olympiad?"


"It's okay, you can tell me"

"I just don't feel like giving it"

"You don't feel like giving it?"



"I am tired...."

Nobita looked into Dekisugi's moist eyes, he felt a pang inside his heart seeing that smile turn gloomy.

"I understand" He hugged him tightly.

"You-you do?"

"Everyone deserves a break, it must be tiring for you to meet the expectations around you, by your parents or teachers... it's completely alright, plus this shit doesn't count for anything"



Dekisugi hugged Nobita back. He needed to hear that, really bad.

"Thank you"

"No problem love"

Dekisugi's breath hitched as he broke the hug.

"What-what did you say?"

"What?" Nobita smirked.

"You-you said-"

Nobita pulled him closer by his waist.

"Never mind" Dekisugi tried breaking from the other's tight grip.

"Why are trying to run away?" Nobita smiled as he pulled him closer to his chest.

"I will always be there for you love" He whispered, melting other's souls away.


♤A/N: Guess who rose from the dead?

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