Chapter 18

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[Y/N] was sat in her hospital room, her hospital bed was much comfier than the medical bed she was on previously. Her arm was in a cast and was at a ninety-degree angle in the cast in order to allow it to heal. Her back had been treated and wrapped accordingly. She had a drip in her arm that fed her and sorted out her dehydration. She was safe and comfortable, but her mind was still back in that basement with the body of her niece that she killed.

A knock on the door was heard but [Y/N] didn't turn to see who it was, she just continued staring out the window in despair at what she had caused. The person who knocked, a detective, came in with Endeavour, Hawks and All Might. The three big heroes decided to come and see her. A doctor came in with them.

"Miss [L/N] there are some people who want to ask you some questions is that okay?" The doctor asked but nothing moved the woman, except her finger twitched once to tap the bed beneath her. Hawks noticed but didn't say anything. The doctor turned back to the men, "She's not moved in a few days but feel free to ask her some questions, I'll be back in a bit to check on her." The doctor explained before leaving the room.

"Miss [L/N] can you tell me your name?" The detective was the first to move, the heroes just stood and stared at one of their own in such a state. It was truly a testament to the villainous nature of Shigaraki Tomura. The woman didn't make a move.

"[Y/N] it's Hawks tap once for yes, tap two for no." Hawks spoke up moving closer, he thought that maybe the simple notion would get through to her. "Are you in any pain?" He asked, [Y/N] felt her finger tap once. "Okay is it in your arm?" Two taps. "Is it in your back?" Another two taps. "Is it physical?" He finally asked and watched her fingers; she didn't answer for a moment.

Two taps.

Hawks sighed at the notion but was glad that they had a way to communicate with the woman. "Do you know where you are?" One tap. The detective took over at this point, understanding her diminished levels of communication. "Do you know who took you?" One tap. "Was it Shigaraki Tomura?" The name caused some disdain to enter the hero's mouths, but they said nothing, the woman tapped once.

"Did he cut your wings?" Endeavour asked making Hawks shoot him an angered glare. The woman tapped once. "Did he break your arm?" The woman tapped twice for no; confusion spread through the heroes. "Did- was it an accident?" Endeavour asked hesitantly, scared she had purposefully done it to herself. She tapped once for yes. Relief overtook him.

The people entered a state of silence for a moment. Then some soft tapping was heard in a pattern, Hawks looked at the woman's finger. She was tapping in a pattern, Endeavour recognised it as morse code. He had taught Hato it just in case, but they had never used it. Before now that was.


"You fell down the stairs?" A single tap, "is that how you broke your arm?" Endeavour asked, realising he was the only one who knew morse code between them. Another tap was heard, so she fell down the stairs and broke her arm. "Were you trying to escape?" He asked and received another single tap. Once again [Y/N] began tapping away in a pattern.


"No, the League escaped, I'm sorry [Y/N]." Endeavour spoke disappointed they escaped; [Y/N] once again didn't move. "Can you speak or are you choosing not to?" Endeavour asked, getting a little frustrated with the woman.


It was true, [Y/N] felt almost trapped in her own body, all she could move was her eyes and her fingers. She felt like she was observing from outside of her own body, she was free from the basement yes, but her own body was much more of a prison for her.

A knock was heard on the door once again and Eraserhead popped his head in, "Hey sorry I didn't think you'd all be in here?" He spoke opening the door as he stepped in, Bakugo following behind him. "How is she doing?" He asked concerned for the woman sat in the bed.

"Not too good, she can only speak in morse code at the moment." All Might explained to the man who nodded his head. "Why is Bakugo here?" All Might asked in confusion at the boy's presence who himself seemed to be looking at the woman sat on the bed.

"I thought it may be good for the two to talk, they were held captive by the same person." Aizawa explained to the man. All of the men in the room seemed to understand where the teacher was coming from and moved to allow the boy through, Bakugo moved swiftly to the side of the bed and sat on the uncomfortable hospital seats. "Bakugo do you know morse code?" the boy simply nodded his head. "Let's give them some space." Aizawa requested, the men left hesitantly but he stayed in order to mediate if needed.

"I'm Bakugo Katsuki I was kidnapped by Shigaraki to try and turn me into a villain." Bakugo spoke softly to the woman, his eyes analysing the woman's injuries. "Why were you kidnapped?" He asked hesitantly.


"He is obsessed with you?" Bakugo asked and a single tap greeted him, he understood from eavesdropping on the previous conversation that that meant yes. "How do you feel about it?" He asked wanting more information, maybe it would help distract him from his own feelings.

N-U-M-B she paused for a moment before continuing, D-E-F-E-A-T-E-D

"I see." Bakugo said softly, he felt his heart clench at the notion that she was completely numb. This is the first time he's meeting this woman and he felt horrible that she had gone through what she had. He opened his mouth to ask her another question, but she began tapping.


Bakugo had to take a few seconds to process what she had tapped, "Do I want him dead?" Bakugo spoke in shock; a hero was asking him this. "I don't know, do you?" He asked expecting a single tap.


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