Chapter 22

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"Kurogiri," Shigaraki's hoarse voice called from behind her ear, the man he had called to placed a glass of water on the bar in front of her. Her eyes caught sight of it before drifting back to the book in her hands, while she may not enjoy the books that Toga brings her Dabi makes some good choices surprisingly.

[Y/N] was reading over the pages, the romance unfolding before her eyes, before Shigaraki came barrelling into her life she would have wanted something similar to the story, but that dream was no longer alive. Shigaraki had disintegrated it to ash before her eyes.

"Angel drink your water." Shigaraki commanded making [Y/N] reach out for her glass and sip at the water. Shigaraki allowed a sick smile to take over his face, she was all his, sure the league had to see her now and then, but she was all his. She followed his commands and allowed him to do whatever he wanted, she was his little doll, and he loved every second of it.

Shigaraki watched as she sipped about half of her water before placing it down once more, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her backwards as she was slipping slightly off of his lap. Her frame slotted perfectly against his.

"Hey Boss man I brought another recruit you might like." Dabi's voice called out from the doorway, the doorway that would lead to [Y/N]'s freedom if the arm around her waist wasn't so suffocating. Shigaraki looked over to Dabi and the man stood next to the burned man, [Y/N] followed his eyesight and also looked over.

The man stood at around six feet, he had neat brown hair and light blue eyes. He was wearing a plain black hoodie and some messy jeans; a scar was over his right eye. The scar was three scratch marks that had long since healed, he looked young around twenty years old, but his eyes held age and maturity.

"This is Koto Shinu; he has a plant manipulation quirk." Dabi gave a vague description and moved to sit down at the bar, his eyes briefed over [Y/N]. He felt a little guilt eating at him, but only because she reminded him of his sister and mother.

"Nice to meet ya!" Koto spoke waving his hands, Toga gave him a look, what look who knows? It's Toga. Shigaraki stared the man down; he was judging his usefulness and his loyalty. He didn't see much. Shigaraki patted [Y/N] on the thigh, and she stood up, Shigaraki stood after her and then moved to stand next to the woman. [Y/N] sat back down on the stool they were using before as Shigaraki moved to step between the two.

"So, Koto are you willing to join our cause under my command?" Shigaraki asked, his eyes peeking through the hand on his face. Koto stared back at the man, and Shigaraki saw his eyes flit to the woman behind him who had gone back to reading her book. Shigaraki didn't say anything for now.

"Yeah as long as I get to see that little angel every day." Koto spoke cheerfully, a smile on his face. [Y/N] looked up at her nickname from Shigaraki, but it wasn't Shigaraki that spoke it making her feel a drop of fear in her stomach. Dabi hissed, Toga winced, Mr Compress turned away and the rest blinked in shock. Koto had sealed his fate as dead.

"Do not refer to her as such words," Shigaraki's voice dropped an octave as he advanced towards the man, he stretched his neck up to make him look bigger. "Do not even look at her," Shigaraki continued as he got closer to the man. Shigaraki grabbed his neck with four fingers, "She is My Angel, and you are no one, you are dirt beneath our shoes. Now die." Shigaraki allowed his fifth finger to touch Koto's neck and watched him crumble to ash before him. He felt delight run through him at the fear Koto had in his eyes before he crumbled to death.

"Well done Boss! He can't talk about [Y/N] like that, how dare he." Toga cheered from her position on the sofa, she had a knife in her hands and was waving it about making Spinner, who was next to her, lean away from her.

Shigaraki turned away from the ash on the floor and towards His Angel. She was sat staring at the ash with no outwardly emotion in her face or body language. Shigaraki smiled widely at the notion and made his way over to the woman, he leant down and placed a kiss on her forehead, after removing Father for a moment.

"No one but me will touch you." Shigaraki whispered in her ear, "You are mine forever, not even death can take you from me." He whispered once more before placing a kiss on her cheek. She felt no emotion from the man's touch.

She was his and he would disintegrate everyone who opposes him.

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