13 - Tangled Threads

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Sophia came back to her apartment and joined Ellie and I on the couch. 

"Hey, Em," Sophia said softly, taking a seat beside her. 

I looked up, offering a small smile. "Hey, Soph. How'd it go?"

Sophia hesitated, unsure how to approach the topic delicately.

"He's been feeling a bit... insecure, I guess," she started. "About your friendship with us." 

My brows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Sophia told me about her conversation with Dakota, explaining how he expressed worry that their friendship might change because of Emerson's connection with the group. She recounted Dakota's reference to Isabella and the apparent fear of history repeating itself.

I listened quietly as I processed Sophia's words. 

I hadn't realized the extent of Dakota's feelings, and it weighed heavily on my heart. 

"I had no idea he felt that way," I admitted, my voice tinged with sadness.

Sophia reached out, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. 

"He just needs some reassurance, Em. He's been through a lot, and I think he's scared of losing the people he cares about."

 I nodded, taking a moment to collect my thoughts.

"Who's Isabella?" I asked, my voice tinged with curiosity.

 "She's his ex," Sophia admitted reluctantly. "They dated for a while, but things didn't end well."

My eyes widened in surprise, my mind racing with questions.

 "What happened?" I pressed gently. 

Sophia hesitated, "She... she wasn't the most trustworthy person. She tried to come between all of us and turn us against Dakota. It made him... cautious, I guess."

Dakota's unease about my friendship with the group echoed in my thoughts, but what puzzled me the most was his comparison of Isabella to me. 

"Soph, I don't understand," I began tentatively. "Why would Dakota compare me to Isabella? He doesn't... like me like that, right?"

Her gaze met mine, Sophia's expression reflecting understanding mixed with empathy for Dakota's situation. 

"I don't think it's about romantic feelings, Em," she explained gently. "It's more about his past experiences and insecurities."

 My confusion deepens, prompting Sophia to elaborate. 

"Dakota's been through a lot with Isabella," she continued, choosing her words carefully. "She tried to come between him and his friends, and it left him with trust issues."

Understanding dawned on me as I connected the dots. 

"So, he's afraid that history might repeat itself?" I asked softly. 

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