Home sweet home

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Folding up my clothes, I re-pack them all, ready to leave in a matter of thirty minutes. Excited is an understatement, I can't wait to get home and see Liv. Just talk to her and relax with her.
I zip the suitcase up and I sit on the bed waiting for Antonio to come back up from paying the deadly costs of staying in this hotel, I can't even imagine how much it would cost to stay here.
I thought that I would be comfortable on our trip home but not as comfortable as I was on the way here, this time I don't have fluffy pink socks and pyjamas on but jeans and a simple top.
After what felt like hours of sitting on the bed and waiting for Antonio, I hear him stride through the lounge and towards me. "You ready?" He questions then grabs my suitcase.

I nod as we walk out and he gets the privilege of carrying my luggage down. I didn't ask him to but he took his down before, but because I was faffing around, I had to finish putting some things in.
"Are we going straight home or do we need to make some extra stops" I ask, as we walk down the corridor to the elevator.
Please don't say we have to, I want to go straight home.
He glances at me then presses the button for the elevator. "No, straight home" he mutters, staring down to me.
"Kitten" I feel a hand on my head, making me shake my head to get the touch away, wanting to go back to sleep. "Kitten, we've landed" Antonio voice drags me out of my sleep, along with his hand thats stroking my hair.
No, I want to go back to sleep.
"C'mon, you can go to sleep on the ride back"
My eyes blinks open, Antonio's face coming into my vision before I feel his arms slide underneath my knees and hoists me. Groaning out, I rub my eyes as i feel him walk away with me towards the exit of the plane.
"See you next trip, Mr Gervinho" A female voice pitches as my eyes have suddenly become fully functional and I raise my head to see her.
When I refer to her, I mean Christina the flight attendant, Antonio's personal flight attendant.
"You too, Christina." He says, sending her a flattering smile then carries me down the steps, the slight breeze making my arms prickle to the coldness.
Relaxing into his hold, he continues to carry me even though he's aware that I'm awake. All I can see is his stern face as he strides closer to the vehicle.
Not long till I'm at home, I can sit down with a drink and talk to Liv. Of course a non-alcoholic drink.
"I can walk" I mutter, nearing to car. I'm tired but him carrying me is totally going against the 'leave me alone' ordeal that I made a scene out of yesterday.

He doesn't say anything but carries onto take me to the car and then opens up the back door and places me in. My eyes follow him climb in beside my strewn out body then grabs my awkwardly positioned legs and drops them onto his lap.
Our luggage is packed into the trunk then we set off as my eyes begin to droop shut, although, I feel Antonio's fingers caress my exposed skin on my ankle.
That feels good.
Sighing, I pretend to sleep as I relax to his touch.
Hearing noise, my eyes begin to blink open to see Antonio stepping out of the vehicle, he turns towards me and motions his head to the door. "C'mon kitten" he ushers, holding onto the car door for me.
I probably look a mess.
Letting out a groan, I shuffle across the seats and slide out of the car then Antonio slams the door shut behind making me jump. "Home sweet home" he mutters as I turn towards him.
"Thank you for taking me, Antonio" I give him a small smile before I take off towards the door like a giddy child, ready to see Liv.
I burst through the doors past the security and head towards the kitchen, to see Liv setting up the Dining table.
"Liv" I call out, rushing as fast as I can towards her as she snaps her head up and a grin stretches across her face which results me jumping up at her, wrapping my legs around her.
"Sophie" she warns as we fall backwards onto the floor. Oh shit.
We tumble to the floor and then I hear groaning beneath me. "Ah, you bitch. You made me hit my damn head" she hisses, holding the back of her head as I giggle then bury my head into Her boobs.

"I missed you, Liv" I mutter, holding tighter onto her as I suffocate her beneath me.
"It seems so" she breathes out, hugging me back. "I guess I kinda missed you" she jokes as I pull my head out of her chest and smile down to her but I watch her grin fade and a frown replaces it.
"What's that?" She asks, staring at my face as I screw up with confusion.
"What's what?"
She brushes her finger over my cheek and stares at my face harder. Okay, now she's making me feel insecure. Do I have food or something?
"Is that a fucking bruise?"
I feel my cheek as If I don't know
It's there but there's no point lying to her, she'll find out one way or another.
Pushing my body up, I straddle her stomach. "Yes" I mutter as her eyes widen. "BUT it wasn't Antonio's fault, if that's what you're thinking" I quickly add.
Her mouth slightly opens about to say something before a deep voice interrupts. "What's not my fault?" Antonio questions as I turn my head and stare up to him, pointing to my bruise.
He nods as Liv forces me off and sits on the floor, looking between myself and Antonio. "Who then?" She pokes as I narrow my eyes at Antonio then turn to her about to answer.
"Franco" Antonio interrupts as Liv knits her brows together. She doesn't like the sound of that.
"What?" She looks between us both as I nervously play with my fingers. "How the fuck could you let this happen, asshole? Why would you even let him
Near her?" Liv shouts at Antonio as she pushes herself up.
Oh no.
"Liv, it wasn't his f-" I start but she sends me a stern look.
"Don't finish that sentence. He takes you to Vegas which means he has to look after you, correct? Because he knows how it is around here, how things run, dont you, Antonio?" She crosses her arms as Antonio blinks at her.

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