Isnt this coincidence

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Blinking my eyes open, I almost have to do double take, considering I'm surrounded by complete darkness, except for the slit of light coming through the crack of the doors.
I want to question where the hell I am... But, for one, I know I won't like the answer and, two, the last thing I remember is a feeling a prick Then i was gone, after a moment of struggling. So, even, if I did want answers, I'm not going to get them from myself.
I weakly crawl forwards to the slit of light and glance through, which I'm not even able to make out the surroundings but from the movement underneath me, I have a feeling we are on a boat.
I could be wrong, but boat or not is the least of my worries.
Although, The feeling of unknown is almost as daunting as the feeling of fear that is breeding inside of me. I hate it but I'm not going to freak out and scream because when has that ever helped someone? It's not like Antonio's going to hear me and do an Olympic swim to the rescue.
But, I can't help but feel the hot tears prickle in my eyes, just the raw fear of what's going to happen.
I know that the Italians are responsible for taking me, along with whoever else they have taken, but if the only intentions were to kill me, for a reason which I'm not aware of, then they would have done a quick kill back at the house. Not drug me then lock me in a cargo box.
Not to mention I'm already starving.
Something that I'll never be able to come to terms with, them going to hurt me, but dealing with it's my only option. I hope they are no where near as brutal as Antonio. If they are.. then I'm fucked. Probably quite literally.
Taking in a sharp breath, I wipe the tears dripping down my cheek then go back to the slit of light, hoping to actually see something.
I push my face up against the metal, to only see brightness but also getting a fresh breath of air. I'm in open air? So I'm guessing I'm out on deck. That's a guess.

Giving the doors a slight push, knowing for a fact they're locked but soon slumping back down, knowing that i won't be getting out anytime soon.
I just want Antonio.
At the thought of him, more tears flood my eyes as I rake my fingers through my hair. Getting frustrated by the wisps tickling my cheeks.
I want his protection and hold. Not held up in cargo tank, probably about to get my ass whooped by an angry Italian.
Sitting for a moment, I stay silent although, the silence is soon cut off when screams Pierce through into the cargo tank from beside me. "SOMEBODY GET ME OUT OF THIS FUCKING THING." I hear the shouts of female making me rush to the side of the tank.
There's somebody else.
Beginning to bang onto the metal walls as her shouts come to soon stop and silence returns. "Hello?" I squeak, tapping on the metal.
"Sophie?" Liv replies and some sort of relief floods through me. I'm not by myself.
Thank god. How I didn't realize it was her by her threats, i do not know.
"Yeah, it's me. You okay?" I mutter, pressing my ear up against the wall. I'm so glad she's here.
Do they have Antonio? At that thought, hope fires through my body, although dread soon following at the thought of him being harmed and someone finally giving him the karma they all think he needs.
"No, they fucking broke my motherfucking nails. Wait till I get my fucking hands on." She cries as I shake my head. She really worrying bout her nails now?
But I'm glad that she's fine, although, worried about her mental state, her thinking that her nails is the worst thing to come.
"They'll grow back, Liv" I sigh, placing my hands against the metal. Dramatic.

"No, I got that shit done at the salon. I payed money for that, and they gone and messed my shit up. They were so pretty as well." She mumbles as I roll my eyes, wiping off the tears that are lingering on my jaw.
I guess it's better talking about irrelevant stuff rather than working ourselves up. Getting panicked is the last thing we need. Although, we need to figure this out.
"There's more to worry about, Liv. They're are gonna kill us." I hiss.
"Not yet they won't. If they wanted us dead so soon then they would've killed us already. Give it a couple weeks till they've finished their games with Antonio." She explains as I nod, slumping up against the metal.
"You think Antonio will come?" I ask, hoping her answer is a convincing 'yes'. I don't want to hear the reality.
A laugh comes through, obviously from Liv. "Of course he will, I'm his sister." She scoffs as I nod, trusting her word. She's right, he wouldn't just leave his sister with the men he hates. "Plus, he's not exactly going to leave you with them, is he?"
Her telling me that is reassuring and the thought of him coming to get us is warming me with comfort. As soon as I see him, happy will be an understatement.
"I mean, I've pissed him off a couple times, maybe this is a good chance to dump me somewhere." I fail to lighten the mood. Although, thinking of all the times he's probably felt like shoving me out of the door.
"Don't play dumb, you know that he's got that thing for you." She sighs as my cheeks flush. Mmyes.
I sit down with a stupid smile on my face with a tear racing down my cheek. My trust in Antonio is a lot. Antonio's the first man I trust and probably will be the only man i ever trust.
"Plus, he better come for my pregnant ass. My baby ain't dying." She scoffs, her voice echoing through my cargo tank.
Holy Jesus.
How could I forget she's pregnant?! Fuck. Here I am, worrying about myself when she's got her own baby inside of her and is having to not
Only protect herself but her baby.

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