Shot you down

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Hearing 'you're a fucking dead whore' makes my heart pound and practically wanting to piss myself. The most scared I've been in my life. More scared than being sold, than beaten by my dad, than being whipped by Damon. I feel like like I'm going to die. He's going to kill me and I know it.
My head spinning, my eyes burning up with hot tears, I blink round the room trying to quickly find something-just anything to block the door.
Hes going to to try anyway possible, of course he fucking will. I hit him over the head with a lamp, he's raging and He's going to get through, he can shoot the lock. It's too easy for him.
"Cunt, you better get your scrawny ass out here before I get hold of you myself" he still hasn't made it to the door but he's so fucking close.
Hurrying to the couch, I get behind and lean on the back, scraping it across the wooden floorboards and in front of the door.
Surveying the door and the couch, I panic even more knowing that won't be enough. Im shitting myself, I'm so fucking scared.
Hurrying back over to coffee table, I push it along the floor and in front of the couch.
Still not enough, I can never be certain. He will get to me and he will kill me. I just need to delay it.
I grab both armchairs and drag them at the best ability that I can and leave them leaning against the coffee table.
Standing still, my chest heaving up and down with tears streaming down my cheeks I listen to the noise outside, it's silent.
Why is it silent?
Why isn't he screaming?
Why isn't he pounding down the door?

Okay, I can't just fucking stand here. He's still gonna bust in here and kill me. Rushing to the desk, I sit behind it ,like I did when I hid from Antonio, and sobbed to myself.
I just want Antonio.
If he was here then this wouldn't of happened.
Wait, Antonio.
I can ring him.
Scurrying onto my shaky legs, I push myself up and latch onto the phone, trying to figure how to get back onto the previous calls.
After pressing multiple buttons I click on the most recent number and the ring of the phone soon makes me relieved. All I have to do it wait for him to pick up his phone.
It rings over and over but my breathing halting when the doorknob jiggles and the growls of Giovanni come from the opposite side of the door.
Please pick up, please pick the fuck up.
Two more rings and there's silence. Did he pick up?
"Antonio, you there?" I cry into the phone, fear pulsating through me and my hand vigorously shaking. "Please Antonio"
"Sophie?" I hear his voice, the relief really taking over.
"Antonio please help me. Please." I beg, tears dripping onto my chest as I sob more and more.
"Whats happened?" The panic in his voice clear which makes my panic kick in more.
Swallowing, I wipe the wetness from lips "Giovannis coming after me, h-he's real angry" I try lowering my voice.
"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR" Giovanni barks, it sounding through room making my sobs heave out.
Why won't this crying stop. It's not helping.

"Wha-why? Wh-what's happened?" Antonios questions more and more confused as I hide behind the desk, preparing myself for him to come in.
"H-he forced h-himself onto me and I hit him and r-ran. Just please help me" I blubber into the phone and hiccups coming out of my chest.
"Fuck." Antonio yells into phone and I jump. Can he just fucking help me!? I'm going to die!
"Please Anto-" i start but he interrupts. "Let me fucking think, Sophie."
I hear Giovanni aggressively banging on the door and I just know its going to break.
"Where are you now?" He asks.
"I-I'm in your office, hiding behind the desk" i stutter, wiping the tears with the back of my hand.
"Right. Put your hand under the desk and get the gun, now." He orders and i immediately feel underneath the wooden desk and pull the gun out of the holder then pull it close to me. "Listen to me, shoot him but don't shoot him in the fucking head, aim at his leg, disable him, not kill him" he demands as I nod.
I want to kill him.
"O-okay" i mumble, peering round the desk to see a hole in the door and a long arm reaching towards the lock.
"He's here, he coming in" I blurt out, crying louder.
"Don't fuck this up, Sophie. Keep me on the damn phone." I hear Antonio rushing around in the background and I glance again to Giovanni who has now unlocked the door and pushing at it, the furniture slowly moving away from the door. "I'm watching you. So when, he gets in shoot him in his leg, both legs." He hisses and I frown up In confusion.
"W-what? You're watching me?" I question. How can he be watching me.
"Cameras. Now, keep focused. Stay behind the desk, when I tell you to get up and shoot, you fucking do it, got it?"
I say a yes, my heart pounding the more I can hear the furniture screech across the floor. I'm sweating bullets. Reaching for my forehead, I
Wipe it with back of my hand and sweat coats my skin.

"Do I pull safety off?" Mumbling into the phone, i struggle and already pulling it back so then it's ready to fire.
"Yeah, do it now." I sit there and wait for him to tell me when to shoot.
Adrenaline firing through me, so much that my cheeks are red and heated up. What if I shoot him in the head by accident and kill him? I can't kill someone? What if I miss? What if he has a gun and shoots me?
"Do it now" I can hear his voice order me through the phone but I freeze. I can't actually shoot someone. I can't. I can't do it.
"DO YOU FUCKING HEAR ME, SHOOT THE SON OF A BITCH" Antonio screams through the phone which makes me yelp but my legs are like jelly as I try to push myself up.
"SOPHIE, FUCKING DO IT." His screams louder as I struggle to get up, my legs shaking like hell.
"Sophie, you're dead" Giovannis sinister voice, steps away from the desk as i grip the gun tighter.
He's coming for me, he's gonna kill me.
As soon as those thoughts race through my head, I can feel a hand latch on to my hair and drag me away from the desk.
I drop the phone as screams rip through my throat but he only grips on tighter and throws me into the middle of the room whilst I crumble to the floor still with the gun latched into my palm . I'm glad it hasn't gone off.
"How does being fucked then slaughtered sound to you, slut" he spits, wandering towards me and I attempt to push myself up but also struggling to hide the gun.
I stare up to him with wide eyes, the blood oozing from where I hit him and his chest shirtless covered with sweat. "You're going to be so fucked when I've finished with you. You'll begging me to end you" he chuckles, gritting his jaw as he looks over me.
He's sick. Pure shit. Like that's shit you get stuck on the bottom of your shoe and he really thinks he's about to rape me. Me?! Rape me?! Fucking bitch. That's the last thing he will be doing.
"Fuck you" I mutter, frowning at him as he frowns back.

"Fuck me? Fuck me?! Who the fuck do you think you're talking to, worthless fucking whore! Who the fuck do you think you are?" He yells, veins pulsating out of his neck. His hands snatching up my legs and he starts to pull me closer to his feet.
"GET THE FUCK OFF ME, GET OFF" I scream, kicking at him. Finally my temper at its highest as I pull the gun from behind my back and aim it at his leg. His voice says it all. He wasn't expecting that. "Fuck you, you vile piece of shit" I spit, pulling the trigger and bullet penetrating his knee cap, the noise of him cry out and the bone shatter makes me cringe.
Well, I can say the gun felt like I thought it would feel. Definitely has kick to it.
He leans forwards in pain whilst attempting to take the gun from me but I shuffle away and pull the trigger again but miss, shooting Antonios desk. Oops. I shoot once more at his other leg.
He drops to his knees with a loud groan and chain of curses. Yeah, fuck YOU.
Getting onto my knees i stagger onto my legs as I watch blood seep from his bullet wounds making me more than satisfied.
He makes me so fucking angry but he's still scary.
"I hope you get what you deserve" I bark at him, standing in front of him as he looks up to me.
I spit on his face.
Then I knee his face.
He topples back onto the floor giving me a chance to stamp on his crotch.
That really makes some noise come out of him. It sounds painful.
So I do it again.
More than happy with myself, I hurry back to the desk to tell Antonio that I got him down, I hope he's proud of me. Or will Be mad at me.
I shot one of his men.
That thought makes my heart sink, what if he hates me now.

Retrieving the phone from where I dropped it, I tuck my hair behind my ear and place the phone against my ear but still keeping an eye on Giovanni who is currently attempting to drag himself out of the door.
That's not going to work, sweetpea.
"Antonio" I say in quiet voice, I'm worried he might be real mad at me. Even though he told me to shoot him, I still feel he might hate me.
"Well done, kitten. Now, leave and go to bed" he orders In a monotone voice. Is he annoyed? I can't tell.
"A-are you annoyed?" I ask in a soft tone.
"Go to bed, kitten"
I look over to Giovanni who really is struggling "b-but what about Giova-" once again he interrupts.
"I've got it sorted. Go to bed. I'll call tomorrow" he sighs and I nod.
"Okay night." I swallow and the line goes dead.
I wanted him to say goodnight.
Anyways, I have more things to worry about than him. Placing the gun on his desk, I stride out of the room but Giovanni is dragging himself out of the doorway. He's in the way.
I carry onto walk and I stand on top of his legs and stomp across his body that's taking up the doorway and into the hallway but I shrug my shoulders at the men outside of the office that give me a weird glance.
He deserved it.
I'm guessing those men are clearing Giovanni away because Antonio did say he had it sorted. I wonder what they're going to do with him?
I hope they kill him.
Actually I hope I get to participate.

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