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Pacing down the hall towards my bedroom, I wrap my arms around me to hide myself from the security that are wandering around.
But I'm still very angry, angry how Antonio thinks he can just call me whore like 3 times, choke me, hit my damn head on the cupboard and make marks all over my skin.
All of that just because I slapped him for kissing me without my consent.
Not that I minded it previous times but to say I had just nearly drowned in the pool because of some idiotic boys, I was not happy.
Although, I was expecting to get beat to a pulp.
I slapped him.
For once in my god damn time in here, I actually stood up to him physically, and I loved it.
Not in the moment because I was terrified but now thinking back, I'm so happy that I slapped that fucking asshole. He deserved it. He deserved it for the all the times he has disrespected me, fucked a woman in front of me, done all of this bullshit and I finally got him back. I still have more in me because he deserves way more than a slap. He deserves a kick in the balls, elbow to his damn face and my foot in his ass.
All this anger and adrenaline is making me too hyped. I need to calm myself. If I was to pull a gun out on him then I wouldn't even know how to work the damn thing and he would of probably taken it off me by the time I can actually pull the trigger.
Turning into my bedroom, I shut the door behind me and heading towards the body length mirror. I want to see what kind of marks Antonio has left on me this time.
I step closer to the mirror and lift up my chin to get a good look at my neck and to only find a red mark where is hand was. Idiot.

Looking down at my ribs and waist, dark bruises and scratches stain my skin. What the hell has he done to me?
My fingers gently prod and swipe the bruise making my face scrunch up as I let out a hissing noise. Ouch.
Fair enough a hickey on my neck but having this purple, yellow and blue bruises lined all over my waist are disgusting.
Imagine if liv saw these.
Imagine if I was to tell her about Antonio, everything that he has ever done. Wow, I could never actually do that. He would kill me. Literally. She would probably try and kill him his first though.
Walking away from the mirror, I head into the bathroom and close the door behind.
I quickly strip the bikini off and turn the dials for the shower on, waiting for the water to heat up, I set a towel out of the rail then slide underneath the shower and snuggling into the warmth. Just being in my bikini made me kinda cold.
Wasting no time, I do all the stuff that I need to do and then getting back out. I don't like being in the shower because anyone could walk in but then I still need to keep clean.
Putting my leg on the toilet seat lid, I hurry to wipe down my legs and the rest of the body then wrap myself into it. Before exiting the bathroom, I pick the swimsuit pieces up and drop them into the sink. Im not expecting liv to take the bikini back anytime soon because she is probably out at the pool and having fun whilst I'm stuck up here.
I could try and sneak back out but what are the chances of me getting back out there without being caught?
Shivering as I make my way into the bedroom, I open the drawers that have barely any clothes in and pick out t-shirt and panties also the joggers that liv let me borrow when I was in her room.
Now all I can do is sit or sleep. I wish I had a book or something, just anything. I want to make time go by because it could be tomorrow or even the day after before Antonio let's me out.
After Folding my towel over the armchair, I gently brush my fingers through my damp hair and then pull back my bed sheets to climb in. Wincing at the hint of pain, I push it aside as I lay back and drape the covers back over me and snuggle into them.

Staring up to the ceiling i think about the other night, not willingly but my boredom is leaving me and my imagination to itself.
How did it even get to point that Antonio was between my legs and doing what he was doing? why did I even let it get that far?
Because I weak and easily persuaded? Most likely.
And I can sit here and lie to myself that I hated it but I didn't. I like the pleasure, I've never felt anything like that. It was great but..
I hate him but I know men like Antonio always get their own way with girls. Especially girls like myself that lack in self confidence, never felt any love or affection from anyone. So when someone like Antonio shows attention, good attention or not, it's hard to push it away because, well, I'm weak.
Letting out a sigh, I close my eyes and let myself fall to sleep. ~
I'm feel warmth as my hand is in his and we are walking down the garden path towards the flowers.
He says something but I'm not listening, I'm just enjoying.
My name is called again and I look towards him with a smile, Antonio looks back at me with a small smile.
Somehow it feels weird because Antonio is being nice.
But the more I look at him and not reply, his face turns into a frown and his hand tightens around mine.
Painfully tight.
I try and tug my hand away but he clamps his down on mine as his mouth moves in aggressive way like he is shouting but I can't hear him.
I cant reply to him because my mouth won't move but I know he is angry, he has that look.
Watching his fist ball up, I yank at my hand knowing he is getting too angry but before I can get away his fist raises up to me, giving a painfully hit.
He doesn't stop.

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