I'm a Mess

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I'm a mess when I'm with you,
But I'm worse without.
I want to be with you,
Without a doubt.

I didn't know you were what I needed,
But as soon as I saw you,
I knew you were the one,
Through and through.

You flirt by touch,
And no, not like that.
You tap my feet
While we are sat.

You love dancing,
Especially in the rain.
You're right down my alley.
I'm right down your lane.

"That's not fair!"
You laugh at me.
Oh, that laugh.
When I hear it, I am free.

I want to be with you
Every minute and hour.
I want to be with you,
For you give me power.

When I say, you're my favorite,
I don't just mean person.
I mean thought, soul, being.
Without you, my heartaches worsen.

I'm a mess without you,
You're truly divine.
I'm a mess when I'm with you...
And I'm so lucky you're mine.

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