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It's the opening game of the season against levante and today I'm starting. Sandra is recovered so I'm starting as striker today. So far, for barcelona, I have played in goal, as right back, in midfield, on both the left and right wing and I've played as striker.

"You know, at this point, if sarina calls you up to the England squad, she won't know whether to call you up as a goalie, defender, midfielder or striker" leila laughed, sitting next to me as I get into my kit.

I just laugh and shake my head.

"I don't really mind as long as I get the call up before the euros" I say and she nods.

The game starts after a while and I'm quick on attack, getting in the box as much as possible.

Alexia finds Jenni on the wing in the 9th minute perfectly and Jenni crosses it in. The ball lands perfectly for me to slot it through the goalies legs. 1-0.

Less than 2 minutes later, I get my head on a Caro cross.

I run towards her and we celebrate before restarting.

At half time, the score is 5-0. I scored 3 of the goals, jenni has a goal and aitana has a goal.

The half time pep talk goes well and in no time we are back out on the pitch.

It feels like everything goes by so fast and before I know it the final whistle is blown.

I drop down, exhausted. I scored 5 goals and assisted 2. The final score was 9-0. Alexia got one more goal and jenni got a goal.

Good start to the season.

We applaud the fans before heading into the dressing room and showering. Once everyone was showered, we all sit around for a while.

I look down when my phone rings and I smile at the caller ID.

Incoming call from Luna😍...

I quickly answer and her face pops into view.

"You played amazing today" she said and I smile.

"Thanks. You watched the game?" I ask shocked.

"Yeah, couldn't miss watching you in action... had to see if you were any good" she smirks, sending me a wink and I blush slightly.

"Well did I pass... was I good enough for your standards" I chuckle playfully.

"You were more than good enough, honestly you played great" she says as I place my phone inside my locker so I can pack my bag but regret it instantly when the girls all see my phone screen.

"Wait is that Luna" mapi rushes over and my eyes go wide while I grab my phone.

"Yes" I say, rolling my eyes at mapi.

"You are right, she is cute" mapi says loud so that Luna could hear and my eyes go wide.

When I look back at my phone, Luna is watching with an amused smirk on her face.

"So you think im cute?" She winked and I blush, looking down embarrassed.

"Don't be embarrassed, it's cute that you talk about me" she chuckled and I groan.

"Aww" the girls all say from their lockers.

"Please stop" I plead wanting the embarrassment to go away.

They all chuckle and Luna speaks.

"I will call you later darling" she says and I nod. We both say goodbye before hanging up and the girls all start mocking me.

We all finally begin to head home and when me and alexia get inside, we both change into PJs where we are exhausted.

"Wanna order in tonight?" she sighs and I nod. We order from a pasta place and I sit on the sofa, finishing some college work.

I take a break when food arrives and alexia goes to her room to call her mum. I decide to check my phone to see Luna messaged.

From Luna 😍
Hey so very last minute but what are you doing tomorrow

To Luna 😍
I have recovery until 2ish, why?

From Luna 😍
Can I take you out tomorrow night

I smile to myself at the message and I place some pasta in my mouth before replying.

To Luna 😍
As long as you're not planning on going all axe murder on me then I'm all yours

From Luna 😍
Great, it's a date ;)

My face is probably red right now but I don't care.

To Luna 😍
Pick me up at about 5ish

From Luna 😍
Perfect, see you then gorgeous

To Luna 😍
See you then <3

I turn my phone off just as alexia walks in.

"What's got you so smiley" she chuckles, lifting my legs to sit on the sofa before she places them on her lap.

"Luna asked me on a date" I smile, eating some more of my food.

"When is this date" she smirks.

"Tomorrow" I say, "She's picking me up at 5ish"

"Does she make you happy?" Alexia asked and I nod.

"Very" I smile and she smiles.

"That's all that matters then" she says patting my knee before turning on the tv.

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