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It's now March and today is the first leg of the champions league quarterfinals. We are facing Real Madrid at home. Luna has got the day off of work to come and watch the game.

I am starting the game today even though I'm exhausted. I have played every game since joining barca as well as international games. I also have the stress of college which is tiring me out. However, no one has picked up on just how drained I am physically and mentally.

We are focused the whole day leading up to the game so when the whistle blows, we are prepared. We have been focused on this game all week, going over tactics.

Everything is going great. Alexia scored in the 3rd minute followed by Jenni in the 9th. I assisted both and then got a goal myself in the 14th minute. Mapi scores a free kick in the 19th minute.

In the 26th minute, I poke the ball away from Athenea and start running down the pitch. The next few seconds go by in slow motion. I feel hands collide with my back but as I fall forward, my studs get caught  on the grass and I over stretch my right leg. I feel a pop followed by the worst pain I have ever felt in my life.

"Fuck!" I scream out, tears already flowing from my eyes as I punch the ground before reaching and gripping my knee. I toss and turn on the ground, not able to stop the pain.

Through my tears I can see Alexia and Ingrid holding Mapi back from hitting Esther González.

"Hey kid breathe for me" I hear Jenni and I turn in pain.

"Jen, my knee" I cry and she shushes me.

"I know, I know just breathe for me" she says, rolling me onto my back and brushing my hair out my face as the medical team run onto the pitch. She holds my head in place as she brushes her thumb across my cheek trying to calm me. From where she is knelt, looking down at me, she looks upside down.

"Breathe kid" she says as the medical team arrive.

"What is it" one of them asked.

"My knee... it popped" I cry, still in alot of pain. One of the medics grabs my knee, gently feeling around and they share a look that scares me but I'm too focused on the pain to comment.

"Do you have a loose feeling in your knee" the other asked.

"Yeah" I say before hissing as another wave of pain hits.

"Fuck, jenni it hurts" I sob.

"I know, shh. I know it does kid" she says and Alexia finally runs over.

Alexia and Jenni share a look as the medics radio for a stretcher. I know I won't be able to walk due to the pain searing through my leg.

"Where's Luna" I ask, struggling to speak through the pain.

"Mapi is getting her from the crowd" alexia explains and I hissed again as they put a box thing around my leg to keep it straight.

"It hurts" I say again as the medics attempt to lift me into the stretcher but can't because of how much I'm moving.

"Okay Rosa, we are going to give you the green whistle which is full of vaporised methoxyflurane which will help with the pain" the medic says and I nod. Jenni helps me sit up slightly, leaning back on her legs as I use the device.

As I inhaled the vapour, the pain subsided slightly, enough for them to transfer me into the stretcher.

When I get to the tunnel, Luna instantly grabs my hand and walks beside the stretcher as they carry me to the medical room.

"We are going to put a compression sleeve on your leg and give you crutches for now due to how late it is. We've booked you for scans at 9am tomorrow to determine what it is for sure but it looks like your ACL" the medic says and I put my head in my hands.

"Now there is a small chance it's not but based on what you have described and the way the back of your knee feels, it most likely is" he says and I just nod, not really processing it all.

Once they put the sleeve on my leg and give me the crutches, Luna helps me to the locker room to change. I put a barca hoodie over my sports bra and then put joggers on because they are loose. Luna helps me put my trainers on as the medics said not to bend my knee.

It's about the 82nd minute when I finally get the courage to go back out. When I walk out with Luna, Jonatan calls me over to the bench and I sit on the end seat of the front row with Luna sitting directly behind me where she is sort of hidden from cameras but my hand is threaded through the gap in the seats, holding her hand due to my need for comfort right now.

Everyone can tell its serious by the way I haven't spoke a word to anyone since getting back out.

When the final whistle goes, the score is 8-0 to barca and I slowly stand with the help of the crutches. Luna sticks to my side as we walk towards the team and I instantly have Alexia and Jenni in front of me. I don't have to say anything, they both just wrap their arms around me.

"We will be here the whole time, you won't go through anything alone." Alexia whispers and I nod into her shoulder.

"When are your scans" Jenni asked, but i just look down, not in the mood to even utter a word.

"Tomorrow, 9am" Luna says and Alexia nods.

"I will take you kid" Alexia says, gently rubbing my arm and I nod.

"Can I be there, I just- I want to help as much as I can" Luna asked.

"Of course, why don't you stay at ours tonight so you don't have to drive over tomorrow" Alexia suggested and Luna looks at me asking if it was good with me. I just nod and rest my head on her shoulder.

"Okay, I have clothes in Rosa's room anyway so I don't need to go home" Luna says and Alexia nods.

"Why don't you guys head back, Rosa has keys. I need to stop at the shop" Alexia suggested knowing Luna drove here today. I just nod and Luna nods aswel. Alexia says she will inform Jonatan that I left so we head straight to the locker room to grab my things before we head outside.

Luna helps me into the back seat, so I can lay my leg across the seats and keep it straight, before she places my bags on the front seat and getting in the drivers seat.

"Rosa" she turns to me and I look up, "I will be here the whole time, I promise"

I softly nod, feeling the tears brim my eyes before she pulls out the parking spot.

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