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Today in training we were doing an hour on the pitch and then an hour in the gym.

We worked on passing and set pieces before heading inside to do some weights and stamina in the gym.

"Okay Rosa let's see how much weight you can squat" one of the trainers said and I nod. They were doing this to see how much weight each of our knees could handle.

I started off with 20kgs on each side of the 10kg bar. I did 10 reps before they added another 10kg to each side. I squat 50kgs for 10 reps before they added 10kgs again to each side. I squat 70kgs for 10 reps before adding more weight. We repeated the process until I was squatting 120kgs. I got to my 4th rep of 120kgs before my legs shook and two trainers took the bar.

"Dang kid" alexia chuckled, patting my shoulder and I laugh and went over to the other bar to do some deadlifts and bicep curls.

I met my PB on deadlifts, tapping out at 115kgs.

When I reached my PB for bicep curls, I felt like I could do more.

"Hey mapi" I say and she turns to me, "can you spot me"

She walks over and sees 180kgs on the 10kg bar.

"Wait, your PB is 170kg. Why are you trying 190" she says and I shrug.

"Feels to easy today" I chuckle and some of the other girls walk over to watch.

I manage 8 reps before I tapped out.

"Yes!" I yell when mapi takes the bar.

"Jesus Rosa" jenni says and I smirk.

"What next" Alexia asked me and I point to the pull up bar.

"Girl are your arms not tired yet" leila laughed when I shook my head.

I managed to do 46 reps on the pull ups before my phone rang.

I jump down and walk over, my eyes widening at the number. Sarina Wiegman.

"Hello?" I say answering the call.

"Hello, is the Rosa Lombardi?" The Dutch accent asked.

"Yeah, that's me" I say.

"Great, I'm calling to inform you that I want to call you up for the England camp at the end of January" she said and I suppress my squeal.

"Omg thank you, yes I would love to be there" I say.

"Great, I will have everything emailed to you. See you soon" she says and I say goodbye before hanging up.

"What is it?" Alexia asked.

"That was sarina, I've been called up for the camp at the end of the month" I say and all the girls cheer and run towards me to hug me.

"I'm so proud of you Ro" Alexia says, wrapping me in a hug.

"Thanks Lex" I smile, hugging her back.

"Wait will you be back for your birthday?" Leila asked and I nod.

"Camp starts January 23rd, we have a game on the 28th away against the Netherlands and the 3rd home against spain which means I will be back on the 4th February ready for my birthday on the 6th"  I explained.

"Wait we have to face you?" Mapi asked and I smirked.

"Yes, I guess you do but i doubt i will play" I say, all of them trying to reassure me that I will get time on the pitch and we finish our gym sessions.

About 30 minutes later, we are all in the cafeteria eating when I hear a bunch of "Awes".

I turn to see Luna walking towards me with flowers.

I smile and put my sandwich down before standing up.

"What's all this about" I giggle, standing up and pulling her into a kiss. When I pull back, my hands stay on her waist as she smirks.

"Well I thought I would just come visit my gorgeous girlfriend who just so happens to officially be a lioness" she smirks, pulling her hand out her pocket which just so happens to be full of confetti.

My head turns to Alexia "I have been with you the whole time when did you-"

"It wasn't me" alexia holds up her hands.

"It was leila" mapi says pointing to the smirking woman.

I glance at leila and shake my head before turning to my girlfriend.

"You didn't have to do all this" I say smiling and pulling her into another kiss.

"Well you've been working hard for this and its a huge achievement and I'm proud of you" she says, swaying forward and back on her feet before holding out the bouquet.

"Well thank you" I smile, placing a kiss on her forhead as I inspect the flowers, "they are beautiful and you are beautiful thank you"

She giggles and wraps her arms around my waist. I sit down and she sits on my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck. My left arm holds her around her waist as I eat with my right hand.

This, right here, makes me happy. I'm surrounded by my favourite people at the football ground and I've just recieved my first England call up 6 months before the euros.

I am happy.

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