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So it turned out that I needed 3 surgeries. I got out my 3rd surgery about 5 hours ago and Alexia is packing up my things so we can head home. Luna was there for my first 2 surgeries but she couldn't get the day off of work today.

"How do you feel" Alexia said and I groan.

"Sore... pain. Agh" I groan as I use my crutches to stand by the door.

"I'm not surprised, 3 surgeries in 3 days is tough" she chuckled and I groaned.

"Can we just go home. I'm tired, hurting and just want to lay down with ice on my leg" I say and she nods. I now have my leg wrapped in gauze and a massive black brace over my knee. Safe to say, my leg is fucking heavy.

Alexia helps me into the back seat, so I can keep my leg straight, before she gets into the drivers seat and drives us home. When we get back, we walk in and I'm shocked to see mapi and ingrid sat in the living room which is set up with an area for me to rest.

"You guys didn't have to do all this" I say before struggling over to the sofa and sitting down with my leg resting on the pile of cushions they set up.

"We wanted to help as much as we could before the away game this weekend" ingrid said.

"I will get some ice for your leg" I hear Alexia yell as she walks into the kitchen.

"Thank you guys but you don't have to worry. Luna will be here the whole day and night that you guys are in Granada." I say, leaning back due to my intensifying headache.

I reach for my bag with my meds but groan when it's out of reach. Mapi chuckles and stands, grabbing my bag for me.

"Thanks" I mumble, annoyed that I can't even grab my own bag without help. I'm not annoyed at the team for helping me, I'm annoyed at the fact I'm injured, the fact that this injury is stopping me from being able to live the way I always have... independently.

I take my meds before leaning and grabbing my laptop off the table. I end up wincing when my knee slightly bends but I quickly recover and straighten my leg back out.

"What you doing?" Mapi asked, slouching next to me causing me to smile slightly at the normal behaviour from her.

"Finishing these two essays, they are already late and I've had an extention" I groan and keep typing away.

"Have you not explained to them what happened. It would help to rest and not stress over deadlines" she says, resting her head on my shoulder so she can read what I'm typing about.

Alexia returned with a few packs of ice and she positioned my leg gently so she can lay the ice around it effectively.

"Thanks Lex" I say and she hums before sitting between Mapi and ingrid who are spread out on the section of the sofa that I'm not on.

After a while, i managed to submit 1 of the essays and I go to reach for my crutches so I can get a drink but my hand gets slapped away.

"What do you need" ingrid asked and that's when i relised they had all switched seats. Igrid and mapi next to eachother with Alexia curled up on the end tiredly.

"I just want a coffee" I groan and she nods before standing and walking to the kitchen.

"I hate this" I mumble before going back to my work. At about 9pm, there is a knock at the door. Alexia stands up and walks out the room. When she returns, Luna is stood next to her with a bag in her hands.

"Hey baby" she says, walking over and kissing me.

"Hey love" I say, kissing her back before turning back to my work. She talks to Mapi for a bit while I finish, she knows how annoyed I get when people interrupt my focused mood.

When I finally put my laptop to the side, I wait for mapi to finish talking to her before I wrap my arms around luna and pull her into me so that we are cuddling.

"You okay?" She asked, kissing the side of my head.

I just hum and nod my head as she moves so that I can lay on her.

"What's the plan for tomorrow while everyone is gone" she asked me and I shrug.

"Not much I can do" I say disappointed.

"How about a movie day" she asked and I nod before yawning.

"Get some sleep love" she whispered and I nod, closing my eyes and almost instantly falling asleep.



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All three surgeries are complete. Time to heal before recovery starts. See you soon Culers ❤💙


LunaGonzales. With you the whole way amor ❤

AlexiaPutellas. Strongest person I know, recovery starts soon and you will be back kiddo ❤

LeahWilliamson. Three surgeries in 3 days, you're superwoman sis 😅

JenniHermosso. You will be back stronger than ever kiddo.


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