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Things have flown by.

We are unbeaten in the league and the champions league group stage. College is getting hectic and social media has been chaotic. Between football, college, media and just everything, I haven't been eating alot and I can feel it taking a toll on my body. I just push that to the back of my mind and focus on today.

I spent Christmas with Alexia and her family but today is new years eve and we are having a team party. Today is also the day the Luna is meeting the team.

The team decided to rent out a bar for the new years party due to the fact there is so many of us attending the party that it would be to crazy to have at anyone's house.

Alexia is getting ready with her sister Alba, who is coming to the party, and Luna is getting ready at mine and Alexia's house so that we can go in her car.

I choose a simple black two piece set and I lightly curl my hair.

Luna decided on a black dress that is simple but looks amazing on her, hugging her body perfectly

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Luna decided on a black dress that is simple but looks amazing on her, hugging her body perfectly.

Luna decided on a black dress that is simple but looks amazing on her, hugging her body perfectly

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"You ready to go?" I ask as I grab my phone, realising its time to go.

"Yeah, do I look okay" she asked, brushing her dress down. I walk over to her, laying my hand on her hip and plancing a kiss to her forehead.

"You look perfect" I smile and wrap my arm around her waist and guiding her out the house.

I open the drivers side for her before walking to the passenger side. I really need to get my driving licence, I just don't have time at the moment.

My hand rests on her thigh, as she drives, trying to calm her nerves. She has been telling me all night that she is nervous to meet the team and I've tried my best to reassure her that they will all love her. She has already met Alexia so it won't be as if she hasn't met any of them.

As we pull into the car park, we can see that we are the last to arrive and I know that the girls will all laugh because they are always telling me that I'm never on time.

I climb out the car first and walk around to the drivers side, opening the door for her and offering her my hand.

"Thanks" she smiles, leaning up to kiss my cheek before we walk inside. My arm finds its way around her waist as we walk towards the already lively building.

When we enter, the lights are off as LED lights line the room providing us some light to see what we are doing however, it begins to irritate my head and I hold in a wince at the bright blue lights.

"Let's get a drink first" she said and I nod. She orders a coke and I order a sprite.

"Ready" I ask and she nods.

I guide her towards the group that is sat around a table. There's about 40 seats scattered around and I guide her to a small sofa. I sit down, expecting her to sit next to me but instead she sits on my lap. I smile, wrapping my arms around her waist and resting my head on her shoulder causing everyone to go quiet.

I smile and introduce everyone while Luna shyly waves towards each person.

"How about a game of truth or dare" Mapi said and everyone agrees. As everyone takes turns, Luna begins playing with my rings on my hand that is resting on her thigh.

"Luna truth or dare" leila asked and Luna thinks about it for a minute.

Alexia has had to do the chubby bunny challenge.

Patri has had to sing.

Mapi had to choose between her cat and ingrid and she jokingly said her cat which caused ingrid to slap her shoulder jokingly and move to sit next to Ana.

"Truth" Luna say, not fancying the thought of having to deal with one of the girls dares.

"What is your favourite feature on Rosa" Leila asked and I smile, looking at Luna who is now blushing.

"Um, just one... okay" she begins thinking before looking at me, "physical or personality?"

"One of each" mapi said and she hummed.

"Physical would be her eyes, I'm always staring at them even when I don't relise I am and they are just captivating" she says and I smile, kissing her shoulder.

"Personality I would choose how driven she is. Even though she hasn't had the easiest life, she still pushes herself to be her best every day. Whether that is on the football pitch, with college or just every day activities. She puts her all into everything she does and it's very admirable" she says and I bite my lip, staring at her.

"Really?" I ask softly and shocked. Never has anyone said anything so nice about me.

"Really" she smiles and I place my finger under her chin and I lift it slightly before placing my lips on hers. When she pulls away, the girls begin teasing me and I wrap my arms around Luna, pulling her into me more as I place a kiss to her neck.

After a little bit of time, it was now 10pm. Everyone was dancing to the quietish music and Luna was talking to ingrid and alexia. I finish my conversation with jenni before walking behind her. I wrap my arms around her and she smiles, placing her arms over mine that are resting around her waist. We slightly sway to the music and she continues to talk to alexia... something about the music, I didn't pay to much attention due to the throbbing pain in my head.

"Rosa?" Alexia sort of questioned and when I look up, I see alexia, Luna, ingrid and jenni looking at me.


"I asked you what your plans were for tomorrow" Luna said softly and I nod.

"Um... I have a few college assignment due and some paperwork to fill out for college. I was also hoping to get to the gym at some point" I say, pinching the top of my nose to try ease the growing pain.

"Amor, what's wrong" Luna pulls away from me so she can see me properly.

"Huh" I whisper, everything going a bit fuzzy.

"Hey let's get you sat down" Luna says, guiding me towards the sofa.

"Can someone grab some water" Luna says to no one in particular and withing seconds alexia is by her side, holding a bottle of water.

"Kid when was to last time you ate a meal" alexia said crouching infront of me due to the fact I have my head on Luna's shoulder.

"Um" I try to think before shrugging... "Christmas I think"

I look down, ashamed that I let it get this bad again.

This is normally when everyone leaves me.

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