🔞 🐚 Tipsy Invitation - Afterparty 🐚 🔞

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Outside, the world has sunk into darkness. Only strips of city light illuminate the night. Meanwhile, twinkling lights weave around Rafayel and me as if outlining a tiny stage. At its center, sparks paint Rafayel's eyes in warm hues. He looks at me: "Have you made up your mind? Do you want me?"

The snow has stopped. The silence hangs heavy. Unbroken. A shadow is cast over Rafayel's eyes, and not even light can reach them. His expression is rather serious. Speechless, I open my mouth.

"... Why did you stop?" I ask confused.

"I'm curious. Were those your true feelings? Ooor were you too busy acting?" His eyes observing me.

„If I get too into it, would you keep playing along?"

„Sure. Why not?" he answers nonchalantly.

„... And what if they were real?" hesitating a bit I dare to ask.

Rafayel watches me. He doesn't move or avert his gaze. „Then you should say... you enjoy my company. And that I can make you happy."

My heart skips a beat and I don't know what to answer. There's a seriousness in his eyes, in his statement, that makes it impossible to shake it off with a joking answer. And so my mouth stays close, still sitting in his lap and trapped in his waiting gaze.

Rafayels hand on my hips twitch slightly, showing how much he awaits an answer and is afraid of it at the same time. But both of us are silent, until I raise my right hand to his face, cupping his cheek. He immediately leans in, closing his eyes half.

And I found the answer inside me, my body reacting to this touch with a tingling sensation. My heart beats faster and joy overflows me. There always has been this tension and a kind of longing between us, but both of us never left the safe road of fun and simple friendship. Now, it's time to end the games and take a step into the wilderness of deeper emotions.

"I enjoy your company, and you make me happy, Rafayel." A little shy smile on my lips.

His eyes snap to me, widen with surprise, and fill with sparkles of relief and joy the second after. I lean into him, lips merely away from his, and we lock gazes. His breath stops for a second, I can feel how his chest stops moving as my breast brushes on it. And then he closes the distance and our lips touch. Soft and warm on mine I close my eyes, lingering in this feeling. The kiss is cautious, as if he is afraid I pull back any second.

My hand wanders from his face to his back, wrapping around his neck, pulling him closer and Rafayel answers with a firm grip on my hip, sighing into the caress of our joined mouths. He's getting bolder, the moves of his lips more brave. His free hand trailing down my thigh, grabbing it and stroking it with his thumbs. Our breaths fasten, heat starts rising inside me and I realize I want more. I need more of him, I want to feel more.

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